[Air-L] Call for nominations, 2020 ASIS&T SIG SI (Social Informatics) Awards
Adam Worrall
worrall at ualberta.ca
Fri Jun 19 15:06:55 PDT 2020
The *Special Interest Group for Social Informatics* (SIG SI) of the
for Information Science and Technology* (ASIS&T) is issuing a *call for
nominations* for the 2020 Annual *ASIS&T SIG SI Awards*, with *nominations
due by July 10*. Self-nominations are welcome and the nomination process is
quite short, as detailed below. For those familiar with our prior awards
structure please note there are a few changes this year.
We seek nominations in the following two categories:
1. *Best Paper**:* For a paper published either in a *peer-reviewed
journal* or in *peer-reviewed conference proceedings*, during the *2019
calendar year*, on a *topic informed by social informatics*. Submissions
from all researchers at any career stage are welcomed. The winning
author(s) will receive a *$750 (USD) cash award* and be *invited to
attend* and have their work recognized at the *Social Informatics
Research Symposium* as part of the ASIS&T 2020 Annual Meeting. The
Symposium is co-organized by SIG SI, SM (Social Media), and IEP
(Information Ethics & Policy) and will be held online later this fall.
2. *Emerging Social Informatics Researchers*: For up to *two students* whose
research is on *topics informed by and/or relating to social informatics*.
First consideration will go to *students who are an author* on a paper
or poster *accepted for the ASIS&T 2020 Annual Meeting *or to the* Social
Informatics Research Symposium* to be held as part of the conference. Up
to two winning students will be reimbursed for or otherwise receive
*free* *registration *to the *ASIS&T 2020* Annual Meeting and the* Social
Informatics Research Symposium*, an approximate *$250 (USD) value*. The
winning student(s) will be recognized at the symposium and have ample
opportunity to interact with researchers and scholars in social
informatics, social media, information ethics and policy, and cognate
To nominate for these awards, please send the following to *Adam Worrall
(worrall at ualberta.ca
<worrall at ualberta.ca?subject=Social+Informatics+Best+Paper+Awards>)*,
SIG SI Awards Coordinator,
by *July 10*, 2020, 11:59pm EDT (UTC-4):
- For the *Best Paper Award*: A full *reference* of the article being
nominated, including the authors, title, and publication venue; a brief
*explanation* of why you are nominating this article; and a digital
*copy* of the article (PDF preferred).
- For the *Emerging Social Informatics Researchers Award*: Your *name*;
university / institutional *email address*; the *university* /
*institution* and* department *you are part of as a student; and a *short
statement* of approximately 300 words (plus any references)* briefly
describing your research and scholarship in social informatics*. Please
also ensure the statement *references any relevant paper or poster*
or accepted to the ASIS&T 2020 Annual Meeting or Social Informatics
Research Symposium. These can either be included directly in the body of
your email or in one attached document (PDF preferred).
Our intention is to notify award winners no later than *August 7, 2020*, in
time for ASIS&T 2020 Annual Meeting early bird registration (ends August
8). Good luck to all who apply!
Adam Worrall, Ph.D.
Awards Coordinator, ASIS&T SIG SI
Assistant Professor, University of Alberta
School of Library and Information Studies
5-168 Education North
Edmonton, AB T6G 2G5
worrall at ualberta.ca (780) 492-0179
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