[Air-L] Additional Online Resource - Hey Watch This!

Patricia Lange pglange at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 17 09:42:54 PDT 2020


I just released my ethnographic film Hey Watch This! Sharing the Self Through Media (2020) which uses a case study of early YouTubers to explore enduring and profound philosophical questions about media such as: Where is the "real me" in and through media? What constitutes true participation on social media? What do I envision for my digital legacy? The film can be used to illustrate information in my book Thanks for Watching: An Anthropological Study of Video Sharing on YouTube (2019), or on its own.

The film is posted on Vimeo and has a study guide. It is constructed in a modular way so that individual online break-out sessions or exercises might follow from individual student screenings at once or in chapters/sections.

Stay well everybody, during these hard times!


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