[Air-L] TPRC 49 - student paper competition

Dhanaraj Thakur dthakur at cdt.org
Sat Apr 24 11:17:59 PDT 2021

Hello everyone,

A reminder that the student paper contest for TPRC 49 
<http://www.tprcweb.com/tprc49-cfp> is still open. More from the website 

take care,



*Student Paper Contest *

TPRC offers cash prizes of $1000, $500, and $300 for outstanding student 
papers.  Students must submit a complete paper, not an abstract. The 
prize is open to all graduate and law students enrolled in the 2021-2022 
school year. Co-authors may be other students meeting the same criteria. 
Papers co-authored with faculty or other non-students are not eligible. 
Papers should not exceed 15,000 words, including references. Students 
are encouraged to have their submissions endorsed by a faculty member at 
the student’s institution. To receive an award, students must present a 
full paper at the conference. Award winners receive complimentary 
conference registration and travel reimbursement up to $500. Fourth 
through sixth place submissions are given opportunity to present during 
the Poster Session.

Full paper due: April 30

Notice of decisions: June 15

Submissions - https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tprc49

Topics areas for this call:


    Broadband: availability, wireline and wireless technologies,
    deployment funding policy, adoption, measurement, and regulation.


    Spectrum policy: 5G/6G, spectrum management, auctions, ITU
    IMT-2020/Network 2030 plans, spectrum sharing, governance, satellite.


    Digital Economy: competition, antitrust, platform regulation,
    content moderation, Section 230, net neutrality.


    COVID: impacts to the ICT sector and technological changes to the
    economy, privacy.


    Privacy & Security: data protection, surveillance, encryption,
    lawful access, regulation, enforcement, user behavior, advertising.


    International dimensions of ICT policy: trade, geopolitics,
    localization, security, regulation, Europe, China, internet governance.


    Emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, machine
    learning, blockchain, and cryptocurrency, their regulation,
    standards, social/economic implications.


    ICT and Gender, race, ethnicity, diversity, justice, and inclusion.


    Elections and Technology: media, censorship, Constitutional
    questions, litigation.


    Intellectual Property analyses (copyright, trademarks, patents etc.)
    of the items above.

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