[Air-L] Submission deadline?

Plothe, Theo plothet at savannahstate.edu
Thu Apr 15 23:35:18 PDT 2021


Thank you for explanation, and apologies for missing the email on the 13th. I understand the move and the reasonings for it, and had the original date held, I likely would have been fine. I think the extension was difficult to grasp in terms of that UTC deadline. Thanks again, I simply wondered if there were others in my position, and I appreciate your response.


Theo Plothe, PhD
Assistant Professor
Journalism and Mass Communication
Savannah State University

On Apr 16, 2021, at 1:44 AM, Tama Leaver <tamaleaver at gmail.com<mailto:tamaleaver at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Theo & Zach,

Sorry to hear you missed the deadline; it was communicated quite clearly the deadline was UTC in the emails sent on 13 April, but I appreciate we've all got many, many emails and that may have been missed. (The shift to UTC was because both last year's and this year's conferences are organised using UTC first, then translated into whatever time zone people are in.) The dissertation awards (and the book awards etc) do have different deadlines, but I appreciate, too, how that may have caused some confusion.

I'm jumping in to reply as both the Conference Chair and AoIR President are (I hope) fast asleep. One challenge here is that a number of people did request extensions via email, and we denied those as we're already running well behind (the mid-April due deadline was already extended from the usual March due date because of the shift back online again) so we asked people to try their very best to submit whatever they could by the hard deadline. That said, we aren't trying to be punitive, simply fair, so my suggestion is that you email the submission you prepared but couldn't submit directly to ac at aoir.org<mailto:ac at aoir.org> as soon as you read this.

Then, as soon as we're able, the Conference Chair and AoIR President and I can discuss the situation and get back to you. (As it's not my call, this is the best I can offer before people are awake to discuss!)

Hope that seems reasonable.


On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 12:14 PM Zach Bastick <zach.bastick at gmail.com<mailto:zach.bastick at gmail.com>> wrote:
Alas, we are in the same boat as you. Having prepared a paper to submit, we
ran into the UTC cut-off once logged into the submission system and ready
to submit. In our case, we were thrown off by the deadline for the
dissertation awards ("April 15, 2021 by midnight where ever you are") with
that of AoIR2021.
Best regards,

On Thu, 15 Apr 2021 at 23:59, Plothe, Theo <plothet at savannahstate.edu<mailto:plothet at savannahstate.edu>>

> With respect to the deadlines for this year’s conference CFP, can anyone
> explain why despite having no stated time once the deadline was extended,
> that at 11:50 pm EDT, the submissions are now closed?
> The last deadline for the submission of new contributions was 15th Apr
> 2021, 11:59:59pm UTC.
> If the deadline was to be UTC, which is vastly different from previous
> years, where the deadline was established at midnight Hawai’i time, that
> the extended deadline would be so limited. Especially when the only way to
> see said deadline would be on the submission page. It is disappointing to
> know that my submission will not be included in the process because the
> times are apparently less negotiable than in previous years, especially
> considering the online nature of a conference meant to be hosted in
> Philadelphia, a city clearly in the US EDT.
> I understand this information may have appeared elsewhere, but in looking
> back at the email announcing the deadline extension
> Best,
> Dr. Plothe
> --
> Theo Plothe, PhD
> Assistant Professor
> Journalism and Mass Communication
> Savannah State University
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Professor Tama Leaver
Internet Studies Discipline Lead
School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry (MCASI)
Faculty of Humanities

Curtin University
GPO Box U1987 Perth WA Australia 6845
Ph: (+61 8) 9266 1258
Email: t.leaver at curtin.edu.au<mailto:t.leaver at curtin.edu.au>
Web: www.tamaleaver.net<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tamaleaver.net%2F&data=04%7C01%7Cplothet%40savannahstate.edu%7Cee83c3ce9c5b4c4d81b808d9009ab2e6%7C1400c49cd2484077a6a793501c7899d5%7C1%7C0%7C637541486711776643%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=LO94whBaPwTQZ53M3qqwdJ%2Biwrzl47cdmMukMWM1248%3D&reserved=0>
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