[Air-L] CfP Convergence Special Issue: Social Media and Platform Work: Stories, Practices, and Workers’ Organisation
Rafael Grohmann
rafael-ng at uol.com.br
Wed Dec 15 15:31:22 PST 2021
Hi AoIRs
We are editing a special issue for Convergence journal that might
interest you.
CfP Convergence Special Issue: Social Media and Platform Work: Stories,
Practices, and Workers’ Organisation
Guest Editors: Júlia Vilasís-Pamos, Fernanda Pires, Willian Fernandes
Araújo, and Rafael Grohmann
This special issue aims to deepen the understanding of the ways
platform workers engage with social media. During the last decade,
social media have been instrumental within platform work because they
are fundamental to this type of labour. Platform workers’ use of social
media can be considered forms of communication, socialisation and
organisation. Through WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok
and other channels, workers can share tips, stories, and practices.
Therefore, it is crucial to develop new understandings of the different
uses, discourses, practices and stories that emerge when platform work
intersects with social media.
Furthermore, platform workers can use social media to bring to the fore
different forms of exploitation, discrimination, and inequalities
around platform power, and also in relation to consumers of the
platform services. Thus, it has clearly become necessary to interrogate
the ways in which platform work is reinforcing pre-existing
inequalities in the areas of gender, class, sexuality, and country of
origin, among others, as well as to understand the role that social
media play to mitigate or increase these inequalities.
Beyond questioning inequalities associated with platform work expressed
in social media, it is also important to explore the ways social media
platforms can be key spaces for workers to collaborate, socialize, and
learn informally about this type of labour. Workers share stories on
social media about their work routine and everyday practices. Social
media can also be a place for work self-promotion and the emergence of
workers acting as influencers and coaches. Hence, it is important to
raise questions about the centrality that social media has for workers’
organizations, strikes, fissures among the collective, or other forms
of emerging solidarities.
We invite researchers to send proposals focused on different
theoretical and empirical frameworks on the use of social media among
platform workers. We strongly encourage contributions from scholars of
the Global South, and from different academic fields. This may include
(but is not limited to) the following topics:
● Platform work and social media influencers;
● Social media uses for platform work;
● Discourses about platform work within social media communities and
● Digital workers’ solidarity and organisation through social media;
● Social media and platform worker’s informal learning;
● The use of humorous content to discuss platform work on social
● The use of social media for discussing the precariousness of
platform work;
● The use of social media for denouncing inequalities in platform work
(gender, immigration; social class and other intersecting aspects);
● Platform workers’ reputation on social media;
● Worker’s self-representation in social media platforms;
● Social media and the borders and limits of the workspace in a
platformisation context;
Timeline and information for authors
Deadline for Abstract Submissions: 15th March 2022
Deadline for Full Papers: 31th August 2022
Expected date of publication: April 2023
Potential contributors should submit a 500-word abstract (excluding
references), a 100-word bio, and the contact information of the
corresponding author to the guest editors: Júlia Vilasís Pamos
([1]julia.vilasis at upf.edu); Fernanda Pires
([2]fernanda.pires at uab.cat); Willian Fernandes Araújo
([3]waraujo at unisc.br); Rafael Grohmann ([4]rafaelgrohmann at unisinos.br).
Feel free to consult the special issue editors about your article ideas
and potential angles or approaches. After the abstracts have been
selected, authors will be invited to submit a full paper. Please note
that acceptance of an abstract does not guarantee publication, given
that all papers will go through the journal’s peer review process.
The call for papers will soon be available on the journal's
website: [5]https://journals.sagepub.com/page/con/collections/call-for
1. mailto:julia.vilasis at upf.edu
2. mailto:fernanda.pires at uab.cat
3. mailto:waraujo at unisc.br
4. mailto:rafaelgrohmann at unisinos.br
5. https://journals.sagepub.com/page/con/collections/call-for-papers-index
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