[Air-L] CfP GIG-ARTS 2022: "Global Internet Governance and International Human Rights - Whose Rights, Whose Interpretations?" 13-14 April, Nicosia
msantaniello at unisa.it
Thu Dec 16 02:40:45 PST 2021
Dear colleagues,
Please find hereafter the CFP for the GIG-ARTS 2022 conference, which will
be held on 13-14 April 2022 in Nicosia (or turned to an online event if
required by the sanitary situation).
The full CfP (also in PDF) is available on the conference website at:
With apologies in advance for the unavoidable cross-postings. Looking
forward to your participation!
Mauro Santaniello
*GIG-ARTS 2022 - The Sixth European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global
Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies13-14
April 2022, NicosiaGlobal Internet Governance and International Human
RightsWhose Rights, Whose Interpretations?*
*Call for Abstracts - Deadline: 1st February 2022 *
Calls for states, but also companies to ensure the compliance of digital
tools and products with international human rights standards
are ever-present. While this abstract goal has become somewhat of
a globalist consensus, the legal, political, and institutional
conditions needed to get there are far from clear: how can international
human rights law initiate improvements in different areas, given
its indeterminate, often even disputed nature? What are the risks of the
reference to international human rights law, in terms of
stabilizing preexisting disparities or power concentrations through
illusive improvements? Where does the reference to human rights
only provide a new, improved language for a non-improved status quo? Could
private internet companies provide a protection of human rights
online comparable to that of judicial institutions? Ultimately, whose human
rights, and whose interpretations are determining the present and future of
global internet governance?
This event invites scholars and actors in the practice and policy world to
re-examine and revisit the state and role of human rights in the digital
world, as this is shaped by technological and political economic changes of
‘platformisation’, privatization of public spaces, erosion and abuse of
certain rights, the pressure imposed on a decade of successive crises from
financial, environmental to health, and the re-emergence of authoritarian
politics and modes of governance.
In recent years, the everyday life of humanity has been affected
dramatically by the experience of a global pandemic, where public
health political responses have been met with varying degrees
of acceptance. The severity and nature of this impact differs greatly
among regions and within societies, across genders and socioeconomic
discrepancies, bringing back to the fore the persistence and deeply
engrained footprint of social inequalities. Within this context of
emergency, crisis and exacerbation of inequities, the digital world
occupied a center stage in the social, cultural and professional spheres.
The heightened physical and mental health crisis across the globe is
intertwined with a long and arduous struggle in governing digital platforms
for the benefit of humanity vis-a-vis the profit driven dominant model. The
latter has impacted not only on the ways in which users on platforms are
adjusted to the needs of the platform, systematically and
technologically through the use of AI, rather than the opposite, but
have also impacted on understandings and conceptualizations of fundamental
freedoms and rights, as they are shaping social conceptualizations of what
privacy means, the extent of free speech and hate speech, the extent
of misinformation and the exercise of informational rights.
After having addressed “Global Internet Governance as a Diplomacy Issue” at
its first edition in 2017, “Overcoming Inequalities in
Internet Governance” in 2018, “Europe as a Global Player in Internet
Governance” in 2019, and “Online Information Governance” in 2020,
The European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance
Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies turns its attention this
year to the governance of human rights in the digital world, continuing
the conversation on global internet governance from attention
to institutions and structural factors to the role of content and
misinformation as an object of governance, and internet actors as forces
of change.
In addition to general internet governance issues and topics, submissions
are particularly welcome on the following possible areas of investigation:
- How human rights translate in a digital world: losses, gains and shifting
of priorities
- Human rights duties and responsibilities of respective internet
governance stakeholders
- From high-level panels on digital cooperation to digital conventions:
towards a new digital world order?
- The role of European and global institutions in shaping the conditions of
human rights and democracy online
- Global platforms, conflicts of jurisdictions and extraterritorial
- Weaponization of platforms to interfere in political processes and harass
individuals and groups
- Responsibility and liability of platforms and other intermediaries in
content regulation
- Governance from below: practices and principles by civil society aiming
to shape the conditions of technology
- Restrictive regulation and the securitization of content
- Structural role of individual targeting, behavioral advertising and other
economic models of online platforms on the reshaping of fundamental
freedoms and democracy
- Privacy, misinformation, democracy: challenges to internet governance
- From nudging to manipulation: consequences on autonomy and human dignity
- Freedom of expression, freedom of the press and democracy
- Youth and other vulnerable groups: access to information, news and
misinformation in the online world
*Submission information and publication Opportunities*Authors are invited
to submit their extended abstracts (no longer than 500 words), describing
their research question(s), theoretical framework, approach and
methodology, expected findings or empirical outcome. Submitted abstracts
will be evaluated through a peer-review process.
Abstracts and authors’ information should be submitted through the
Easychair conference management system at:
Authors of selected submissions will have the opportunity to submit
their full manuscript for publication.
*Conference Grant for Students*The GIG-ARTS conference and the
Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut are proud to
encourage the participation of emerging researchers through
the HBI/GIG-ARTS Emerging Scholars Network project set up in 2022. Up to 10
exceptional submissions from emerging researchers will be selected to
receive a grant of 500 EUR each, to help cover their
conference participation costs. Masters or PhD Students who have not yet
been awarded a PhD by the time of the conference are eligible.
In addition to presenting their work at GIG-ARTS 2022, the grantees will
share their research via a short blog post on the HBI’s Media Research
Blog, Podcast, or another science transfer format and will join a set of
network building sessions leading up to the conference.
*To be considered for the grant programme, Masters or PhD students must, in
addition to the abstract submission process set out above, notify the
Co-Chairs of their application for the conference grant via an email
to: events at gig-arts.eu <events at gig-arts.eu>*; no additional documents are
*Key dates*- Deadline for abstract submissions: 1st February 2022
- Notification to authors: 1st March 2022
- Authors registration (at least one author must register for a selected
presentation to appear on the programme): From 1st to 14 March 2022
- Programme publication: 21 March 2022
- Online registration: From 21 to 31 March 2022
- Conference dates: 13 & 14 April 2022
*GIG-ARTS 2022 Co-Organizers and Co-Sponsors*- Frederick University, Cyprus
- COST Action GDHRNet - The Global Digital Human Rights Network, EU
- Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut, Germany
- LIP6 Computer Science Research Lab, Sorbonne Université & French National
Center for Scientific Research, France
- The Media Governance and Industries Research Lab & Jean Monnet Centre of
Excellence FreuDE, University of Vienna, Austria
*GIG-ARTS 2022 Co-Chairs*- Konstantinos Kouroupis, Department of Law,
Frederick University, Cyprus
- Meryem Marzouki, LIP6, CNRS & Sorbonne Université, France
- Katharine Sarikakis, Media Governance and Industries Research Lab & Jean
Monnet Centre of Excellence FreuDE, University of Vienna, Austria
and, as junior chair,
- Martin Fertmann, Leibniz Institute for Media Research |
Hans-Bredow-Institut, Germany
*GIG-ARTS 2022 Organizing Committee*- Martin Fertmann, Leibniz Institute
for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut, Germany
- Vassiliki Karagouni, Department of Law, Frederick University, Cyprus
- Konstantinos Kouroupis, Department of Law, Frederick University, Cyprus
- Meryem Marzouki, LIP6, CNRS & Sorbonne Université, France
- Katharine Sarikakis, Media Governance and Industries Research Lab & Jean
Monnet Centre of Excellence FreuDE, University of Vienna, Austria
*GIG-ARTS 2022 Scientific Programme Committee*- Francesco Amoretti, University
of Salerno, Italy
- Mutlu Binark, Hacettepe, University, Turkey
- Eric Brousseau, Université Paris Dauphine, France
- Andrea Calderaro, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
- George Christophides, Frederick University & Legal Partners, Cyprus
- Dimitrios Devetzis, Frederick University, Cyprus
- Martin Fertmann, Leibniz Institute for Media Research
| Hans-Bredow-Institut, Germany
- Louise Marie Hurel, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
- Matthias Kettemann, Leibniz Institute for Media Research |
Hans-Bredow-Institut, Germany & University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Konstantinos Kouroupis, Frederick University, Cyprus
- Joanna Kulesza, University of Lodz, Poland
- Nanette S. Levinson, American University Washington DC, USA
- Eva Lievens, Ghent University, Belgium
- Robin Mansell, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
- Meryem Marzouki, CNRS & Sorbonne Université, France
- Trisha Meyer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Tiina Pajuste, Tallinn University, Estonia
- Stavros Parlalis, Frederick University, Cyprus
- Clara Rauchegger, University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Michele Rioux, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
- Graziella Romeo, Bocconi University, Italy
- Mauro Santaniello, University of Salerno, Italy
- Katharine Sarikakis, University of Vienna, Austria
- Yves Schemeil, Sciences Po Grenoble, France
- Jan Aart Scholte, Leiden University, The Netherlands & University
of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- Mart Susi, Tallinn University, Estonia
*Venue*GIG-ARTS 2022 will be held at Frederick University, Nicosia Campus,
situated in the Pallouriotissa area, just two kilometers from the
city center.
We are hopeful that we could meet there in person next Spring. However, if
the sanitary conditions are such that travels are suspended, the conference
will be turned into an online event.
*Conference Registration and Fees*Registration fees are 100€ for regular
participants and 50€ for students showing proof of status. The conference
fees include a participant kit as well as coffee breaks and meals.
*GIG-ARTS 2022 Communication Details*- Website: events.gig-arts.eu
- Email for information: events at gig-arts.eu
- Submissions: *https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gigarts2022
- Twitter: @GigArtsEU - Hashtag: #GIGARTS22
- Mailing list for updates: http://tinyurl.com/yc7rvxm4
Mauro Santaniello (PhD)
*Internet & Communication Policy Centre *
*Department of Political and Social Studies *
*Università degli Studi di Salerno *
*Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 84084 Fisciano (SA) - Italy *
*E. msantaniello at unisa.it <msantaniello at unisa.it> *
*W. http://docenti.unisa.it/mauro.santaniello
*Skype: internetpolicy *
*T. twitter.com/webvoodoo <http://twitter.com/webvoodoo>*
*Recent publications*
M.Santaniello (2021) "From Governance Denial to State Regulation: A
Controversy-Based Typology of Internet Governance Models." In Haggart B.,
Tusikov N., Scholte J.A. (eds.) *Power and Authority in Internet
Governance. Return of the State? *Routledge.
N.Palladino, M.Santaniello (2021).* Legitimacy, Power, and Inequalities in
the Multistakeholder Internet Governance. **Analyzing IANA
Transition*. Palgrave
*Pubblicazioni recenti in italiano*
M. Santaniello (2021) "Fortezza Internet. L’incastellamento del cyberspazio
e il regime feudale della cyber security." In Amoretti F.* Per una cultura
della sicurezza democratica* Pag.131-148 Soveria Mannelli Rubbettino.
F. Amoretti, M. Santaniello (2021) "Sovranità (con)tese. Le digital
corporation nello spazio pubblico globale." In F.Tuccari; G. Borgognone *La
sovranità* Pag.175-194
M. Santaniello (2021) "Sunburst. La grande eclissi della cybersecurity Usa."
*Rivista di Digital Politics*. Vol. 1/2021. Pag.179-194.
F. Amoretti, M. Santaniello (2021), "Partecipazione politica e opinione
pubblica online in tempo di crisi." *Iride* Vol. 92. Pag.57-67.
F. Amoretti, R. Fittipaldi, M. Santaniello (2021), "Poteri monocratici e
comunicazione politica ai tempi della pandemia. Dal governo Conte II al
governo Draghi". *Comunicazione politica, n. *3/2021, pp. 333-356.
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