[Air-L] Register for SoLAR Webinar "Instrumenting Learning Analytics" with Dr Chris Brooks, University of Michigan (Feb 24, via zoom)

Vitomir Kovanovic Vitomir.Kovanovic at unisa.edu.au
Thu Feb 18 20:10:25 PST 2021

*apologies for cross posting*

It is our pleasure to invite you to SoLAR Webinar "Instrumenting Learning Analytics" presented by Dr Chris Brooks from the University of Michigan. In this talk Dr Brooks will discuss an important topic of designing and developing data collection processes to extract meaningful measures of student learning. See the details of the talk below.

Time and date: Wednesday February 24, 2021, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern US time (4-5 PM London, UK time time)

Location: Zoom (meeting URL provided in the registration email)

To register, go to https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/solar-webinar-instrumenting-learning-analytics-with-dr-christopher-brooks-registration-137551459117

(Also, make sure you follow SoLAR's Eventbrite page<https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/society-for-learning-analytics-research-solar-21953992681> to get updates for the future events).

We are looking forward to seeing you at the webinar!

Kind regards,
Vitomir Kovanovic,
Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)

Instrumenting Learning Analytics

As a field at the intersection of social and data sciences there is a strong need for quality instrumentation of teaching and learning. Yet, much of the work done in the field of Learning Analytics to date has not considered instrumentation directly, and instead has been built upon data which is the byproduct of learner activities, sometimes even pejoratively referred to as "data exhaust". In this talk I will describe both a need for and an agenda toward exploring learning analytics instrumentation directly, where the creation, employ, and improvement of data collection instruments are of central interest. I will discuss methodological, architectural, and pragmatic considerations when it comes to the instrumentation of learning analytics systems, and give specific thoughts on the need to understand and improve upon instrumentation choices when making theoretical and methodological decisions.

Christopher Brooks is an applied Computer Scientist who builds and studies the effects of educational technologies in higher education and informal learning environments. Dr. Brooks has a particular domain focus on data science education and methodological interests in predictive modeling, learning analytics, and collaborative learning. He has published widely in the areas of educational technologies and human computer interaction, and has been awarded several best papers (LAK, AIED, CHI, CSCW) with collaborators. At the University of Michigan School of Information he directs the activities of the educational technology collective (etc), a group of postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, undergraduate students, and other collaborators.

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