[Air-L] Open access to data

Patricia Aufderheide paufder at american.edu
Thu Mar 11 05:05:38 PST 2021

Various pro- open-access organizations are supporting a petition to WTO for a waiver on TRIPS IP terms. If you think that your work and others' work, during the pandemic, could benefit, there's a chance to sign this. Information below:

he undersigned sponsors invite broad dissemination of the Statement on Copyright and Proposal of a Waiver from Certain Provisions of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement for the Prevention, Containment and Treatment of COVID-19 (IP/C/W/669) for endorsements through March 18, 2021.

We will formally release the statement to the WTO and to the public (with a broadly circulated press release) on March 22.

The full statement text (with citations) is available at: Statement on WTO TRIPS Waiver https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tinyurl.com/TRIPSWaiverComm2__;!!IaT_gp1N!ifnHu5ryLOJM-G2qlYmohr-gxeo80FlaIYk3rUn2S1Q3ok3LkK83cWdi-04gCH-ugg$

Endorsements are being collected at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://form.jotform.com/pijip/CopyrightWaiverStatement__;!!IaT_gp1N!ifnHu5ryLOJM-G2qlYmohr-gxeo80FlaIYk3rUn2S1Q3ok3LkK83cWdi-05djgg9AA$

Endorsements are being sought by non-commercial organizations and any individual.

Patricia Aufderheide, University Professor, School of Communication
PhD Program Director
Founder, Center for Media & Social Impact
American University
4400 Massachusetts Av., NW
American University, Washington, DC 20016-8017
McKinley Hall 323
@paufder @cmsimpact
paufder at american.edu<mailto:paufder at american.edu>
202-885-2069 office
240-643-4805 mobile
Zoom Office Hours:

Reclaiming Fair Use--t<https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/022637419X?pf_rd_p=d1f45e03-8b73-4c9a-9beb-4819111bef9a&pf_rd_r=9A4S3CXHCD8R7GBY3C8P>he second edition is out, with new stories, quizzes and entirely new chapters on the surprising success of fair use in enabling creativity!

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