[Air-L] Study on Examining Rationale, Assumptions and Approaches to Non-Personal Data Sharing in India

Shubhangi Heda shubhangiheda at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 03:17:33 PDT 2021

 Dear air-l community,

We are glad to share with you reports published by Consumer Unity & Trust
Society  (CUTS international) on non-personal data sharing in India. These
cover a two-part study on examining rationale, assumption and approaches to
non-personal data sharing in India.

First Phase Report: Navigating the Puzzle of Non-Personal Data Sharing
Second Phase Report: Dimensional Analysis of Future of Non-Personal Data

The *first repor*t has taken a three-pronged analytical approach, relying
on secondary literature review, comparative jurisdictional analysis, and
stakeholder consultations. The analysis revealed some key learning as
stated below:
1) There is a need for an agile and flexible Data Sharing Framework.
2) There is a need to identify prerequisites for a healthy data ecosystem.
3) There is a need for appropriate policy sequencing. viz. First
implementing initiatives like Open Public Sector Data, Data Protection, etc.
4) There is a need to assess the existing and future market requirements
and incentives.
5) There is a need to ensure consumer welfare and protection safeguards.
6) There is a need to re-assess existing legal regimes. ex. I.P. Law.

The *second report* has undertaken a dimensional analysis. Following are
the key learning:
1) Clearly specify scope of data to understand data typologies across the
data value chain.
2) Recognising value associated with divergent internet groups in the data
value chain.
3) Clearly identifying specific problems sought to be addressed through
data sharing
4) Design strong accountability and grievance redress frameworks.

We hope you find the reports insightful. Please reach out to us at
shubhangiheda at gmail.com or setubupadhyay at gmail.com. and we will be happy to
answer any questions or just have a chat.

Thanks !

Shubhangi Heda & Setu Bandh Upadhyay


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