[Air-L] Call for papers- Digital Governance andTranscultural Communications:values and strategies in an era ofneo-globalisation, digitalisationand platformisation
Yik Chan Chin
yikchanchin at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 19:43:49 PST 2022
Dear All,
We invite submissions of proposals for the IAMCR 2022 Beijing
preconference on 8 July 2022, entitled "Digital Governance and
Transcultural Communications: values and strategies in an era of
neo-globalisation, digitalisation and platformisation" organised by School
of Journalism and Communication at Beijing Normal University In partnership
with IAMCR’s Public Service Media Policies Working Group.
The conference will be in hybrid online and in person mode, with locations
in the XJTLU, Suzhou, China and the University of Sydney, Australia.
Registration is free, and will open online on 1st March, 2022.
*Abstracts between 300 and 500 words are requested and must be submitted
via emails to Dr. Rui Wang at wrui at bnu.edu.cn <wrui at bnu.edu.cn> or Dr. Yik
Chan Chin at yik-chan.chin at bnu.edu.cn <yik-chan.chin at bnu.edu.cn>. The
deadline for submission of proposals is 10 March, 2022, at 23.59 UTC. *
We intend to publish a special issue in an English journal based on the
selected papers from this preconference.
The detailed CfP is attached in this email. And the website for the
preconference and CfP is:
IAMCR 2022 Beijing pre- conference
8 July 2022
Digital Governance and Transcultural Communications: values and strategies
in an era of neo-globalisation, digitalisation and platformisation
This one-day hybrid preconference aims to explore policy and governance
strategies emerging from the development and use of digital communications
technologies and their impacts on transcultural communications, with a
focus on the themes of neo-globalization, digitalisation and
It seeks to address some fundamental questions that may help in
strengthening digital governance approaches and facilitating safe,
productive and inclusive transcultural communications:
What are the critical contests around digital governance of
transnational and transcultural communications platforms? How do they
exemplify difference in values and ethics between key stakeholders?
What are the crucial components of digital governance strategies, and
how are these evolving in light of platformisation?
How can existing institutional, and largely national, models of
communications governance adapt to this new context? To what extent are
new, international models of governance addressing transcultural
What are the best practice examples of new digital governance
modalities working in the public interest? How might these benefit public
institutions, such as public service media?
The preconference will consist of a keynote speech and four panels, drawing
on speakers from both inside and outside China, from developed and
developing countries. These panels will include discussions on:
Digital governance of the metaverse
Governance of digital communications market access, standards and
Governance strategies for safe, inclusive digital transcultural
Digital governance and public service media in an era of
Thank you!
Best wishes,
Yik Chan
Recent Articles:
Chin, Yik Chan and Li, Ke, A Comparative analysis of Cyber Sovereignty
Policies in China and the EU (August 6, 2021). Available at SSRN:
https://ssrn.com/abstract=3900752 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3900752
Yik Chan Chin (2020) Internet governance in China: the network
governance approach in Dragan Pavlicevic and Zhengxu Wang (eds.)
Social Relations and Political Development in China: Change and
Continuity in the 'New Era', London: Routledge.
Yik Chan Chin (2018) Legitimation of Media Regulation in China,
Chinese Political Science Review.
Dr. Yik Chan Chin
Associate Professor
School of Journalism and Communication
Beijing Normal University
Beijing, P. R. China
Email: yik-chan.chin at bnu.edu.cn
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