February 2022 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Feb 1 01:05:46 PST 2022
Ending: Mon Feb 28 19:43:50 PST 2022
Messages: 124
- [Air-L] WEBCAST JAN 31: Traversing the Metaverse – A Caribbean Perspective
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] [Extended Deadline] ICA Pre-conference CFP|| Sovereignty and the Return of Governance for Digital Platforms
Xiao Han
- [Air-L] book series: "Posthumanities and Citizenship Futures"
- [Air-L] WEBCAST 1 FEB: Unlocking Cross-Border Connectivity into Landlocked Countries in Africa / Débloquer la connectivité transfrontalière vers les pays enclavés d’Afrique
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] WEBCAST FEB 1 – Launch Event: Guide and Ratings for Digital Participation Platforms
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Call for Abstracts - Global Fact Academic Track (Deadline 18 Feb)
Rebekah Larsen
- [Air-L] WEBCAST FEB 1 – A11yNYC – Google Project Relate: A Communication Tool
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] CFP for Fast Capitalism
Arditi, David M
- [Air-L] Deadline extension to 8 Feb. - CfP GIG-ARTS 2022: "Global Internet Governance and International Human Rights - Whose Rights, Whose Interpretations?" 13-14 April, Nicosia
- [Air-L] Call for submissions for Internet Researchers Conference, 2022
Ambika Tandon
- [Air-L] Call for chapters Routledge International Handbook of Online Deviance
Nagy, V. (Veronika)
- [Air-L] Correct link for job description--Media Psychology PhD Faculty
Regina Tuma
- [Air-L] iSchool at UMD Faculty Position: Open Rank Lecturer Archives and Digital Curation
Naielia Akela Allen
- [Air-L] Media Psychology Faculty Search
Patrick Sweeney
- [Air-L] Technology Ethics in Action: Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Joanne Cheung
- [Air-L] CfP and Workshops - UNITOPIA - Digitalisation as Democratic Moment
Maddalena Vivona
- [Air-L] Platform Socialism (James Muldoon)
- [Air-L] CfP ECREA Pre-conference: Datafied Welfare States
Mercea, Dan
- [Air-L] Reminder: 15 February Abstract Deadline, CFP "Immersive Storytelling", Special Issue, Convergence
Sarah Martindale
- [Air-L] [Extended Deadline] ICA Pre-conference CFP|| Sovereignty and the Return of Governance for Digital Platforms May 25
Xiao Han
- [Air-L] cfp: Online ECREA Pre-conference: The Impact of Streaming on Media Industries and Cultural Production
Maria Michalis
- [Air-L] Two more jobs: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Oxford Internet Institute / Fairwork
Mark Graham
- [Air-L] ICA preconference call
Lynn Schofield Clark
- [Air-L] MIS4TEL 2022: Call for Workshop Proposals / 13-15 July 2022 / L'Aquila (Italy)
- [Air-L] Call for AoIR panelists - NFTs/blockchain and critical perspectives
Adrienne Massanari
- [Air-L] CALL FOR PAPERS - Kansas State University Journal of Media Law & Ethics
- [Air-L] 38th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2022): Third Call for Contributions
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] Deadline extended: ACM Web Science Conference (#WebSci22), 26-29 June 2022 in Barcelona + Online
Weller, Katrin
- [Air-L] 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2022): First Call for Papers
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] Request for literature on populist exploitation of outrage online
- [Air-L] Request for literature on populist exploitation of outrage online
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] Request for literature on populist exploitation of outrage online
Peter Hervik
- [Air-L] Readings on "taboo online epistemologies"
Zimmer, Michael
- [Air-L] Call for papers for the special issue of the 'Media Studies' journal: 'Platformisation of cultural and audio-visual sectors in the European Union: new policies for new stakeholders'
Pasko Bilic
- [Air-L] Workshop: Research, Publishing, Grants
Devina Sarwatay
- [Air-L] Call for EJHC Special Issue - Online Health Communities in the Vortex of Healthcare Controversies
Sara Atanasova
- [Air-L] Job alert: Postdoc position at ZeMKI, University of Bremen
- [Air-L] Tenure track position at UC Irvine, Black Thriving Initiative
Tom Boellstorff
- [Air-L] Job posting: Director, Institute for Technology, AI and Society
Wendy Norris
- [Air-L] IEEE Annals of the History of Computing Seeking new EIC
Hallam Stevens
- [Air-L] Research stay
Ignacio Jesús Serrano Contreras
- [Air-L] MIS4TEL 2022: 2nd Call for Paper / 13-15 July 2022 / L'Aquila (Italy)
- [Air-L] CCDS Presents a talk with Bharath Ganesh, Friday, February 25th.
Jeff Hemsley
- [Air-L] JOB: Tenure-Track Position in Digital Justice at Queen's University
Norma Moellers
- [Air-L] WEBCAST FEB 9: Webinar on Safer Internet and Digital Smart Villages in Kenya
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] CFP: engaging citizens in smart city development - work in progress session
Katherine Harrison
- [Air-L] Postdoc Position in Media & Internet Governance, Department of Communication and Media Research at University of Zurich
Alena Birrer
- [Air-L] The Sharing Economy in Europe: Developments, practices, and contradictions
Cristina Miguel
- [Air-L] CfP: Welcome to the Metaverse! (again?) / Abstract March 14
shenja van der graaf
- [Air-L] Call For Abstracts - Proxies, Stand-ins, and Warm-ups, a virtual symposium (April 27, 2022)
Dylan Mulvin
- [Air-L] Data analysis shows power of Facebook super-users to distort discourse
Colin Delany
- [Air-L] Data analysis shows power of Facebook super-users to distort discourse
Sarah Ann Oates
- [Air-L] [Call for Participation] ACM WSDM 2022
Ugur Kursuncu
- [Air-L] Data analysis shows power of Facebook super-users to distort discourse
Alexandre A. Gonzales
- [Air-L] Data analysis shows power of Facebook super-users to distort discourse
Adam Burke
- [Air-L] Data analysis shows power of Facebook super-users to distort discourse
Denby Weller
- [Air-L] IJOC-CfP: Artificial Intelligence and New Media in Challenges
Seungahn Nah
- [Air-L] Two Lecturer/Senior Lecturer positions in Data, AI and Society - Information School at University of Sheffield
Jo Bates
- [Air-L] Two Lecturer/Senior Lecturer positions in Data, AI and Society - Information School at University of Sheffield
Jo Bates
- [Air-L] Data analysis shows power of Facebook super-users to distort discourse
Philip Di Salvo
- [Air-L] CfP – TikTok-Music-Cultures: Perspectives on the Study of Musicking Practices On and Through TikTok
Juan Bermudez
- [Air-L] JOB: ITU / UNICEF Giga Project Manager
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] WEBCAST FEB 11: Broadband Money Ask Me Anything! With Vint Cerf
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] CFP: Political communication in (times of) crisis
Antonio Martella
- [Air-L] Call for Participation: ACM CHIIR 2022 workshop on Building towards Information Interaction and Retrieval Resource Reuse - 14 March 2022
marijn Koolen
- [Air-L] AoIR panel - internet history
Nicholas John
- [Air-L] WEBCAST FEB 14 – NARALO - ICANN Accountability & Transparency Framework
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Twitter’s communityabout dataviz
- [Air-L] Reminder - Global Fact 9 Academic Track Abstracts due 18 February!
Rebekah Larsen
- [Air-L] AoIR panel - internet history
Holly Kruse
- [Air-L] AoIR panel - internet history
Will Mari
- [Air-L] Global Fact 9 CfA update - deadline for abstracts now extended to 25 February!
Rebekah Larsen
- [Air-L] New book out on the history of the internet’s impact on journalism
Will Mari
- [Air-L] AoIR panel - internet history
Polina Kolozaridi
- [Air-L] Invitation: Public Interest Research, 24 February 2022, 16:40-18:00 CET / online
Katja Mayer
- [Air-L] Data for Policy 2022 - Call for Special Tracks
Zeynep Engin
- [Air-L] Opportunity: 3-Year 0.5 FTE Level B Research Fellow – The Digital Child – Due 23 Feb.
Tama Leaver
- [Air-L] WEBCAST FEB 14 – NARALO - ICANN Accountability & Transparency Framework
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] AoIR panel - internet history
Fernanda Duarte
- [Air-L] translation services
Lauri Goldkind
- [Air-L] New SI: Datafication and Cultural Heritage: Critical Perspectives on Exhibition and Collection Practices
Karin Hansson
- [Air-L] New Feature Announcement - Upload Twitter in JSON Format
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] Fwd: CFP: Drones in Society: New Visual Aesthetics conference
Elisa Serafinelli
- [Air-L] Call for submissions for Internet Researchers Conference, 2022
Ambika Tandon
- [Air-L] CfA: Blackboxed Futures: Multiple Temporalities of Algorithmic Technologies – Deadline Extended
Dmitry Muravyov
- [Air-L] Fwd: Research Funding and Fellowship Open Tech Fund
Niels ten Oever
- [Air-L] French preferred term for MOOC
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] French preferred term for MOOC
Myles, David
- [Air-L] Reminder - upcoming deadine for Future of Work JCMC Special Issue!
Nancy Baym
- [Air-L] French preferred term for MOOC
Greenhalgh, Spencer P.
- [Air-L] French preferred term for MOOC
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Univ. Amsterdam - Media Studies jobs
Richard Rogers
- [Air-L] ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2022): Fourth Call for Contributions
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] Second International Conference on ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing (IHAW 2022): First Call for Papers
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] new book series
- [Air-L] Faculty Opening -- Department of Computer Science -- University of Cyprus
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] Call for Abstracts: Special Issue of Memory, Mind & Media
Siegel Linda
- [Air-L] Taxis vs Uber interview
Ilana Gershon
- [Air-L] new book series
- [Air-L] CfP: Coding Covid-19: The Rise of the App-Society (DC&S 2022)
Ramón Reichert
- [Air-L] 3 x zoom talks on queer and gender perspectives on AI & algorithms
Evelina Liliequist
- [Air-L] Deadline Reminder #AoIR2022 Submissions due by 1 March 2022
Michelle, Association of Internet Researchers
- [Air-L] Two Ethics Working Group roundtable proposals for AoIR2022
Zimmer, Michael
- [Air-L] panel on disinformation and health
Raquel Recuero
- [Air-L] ICA Preconference on Comparative Privacy
Quinn, Kelly Ann
- [Air-L] Two Ethics Working Group roundtable proposals for AoIR2022
Alicia Takaoka
- [Air-L] MIS4TEL 2022: 3rd Call for Paper / 13-15 July 2022 / L'Aquila (Italy)
- [Air-L] CfP Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: From Neoliberal Ideology to Data Colonialism - Special Issue
Rafael Grohmann
Forestal, Jennifer
- [Air-L] TRANSMISIÓN POR WEB FEB 24 – Internet de las Cosas y los Nuevos Desafios en Ciberseguridad
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] ISOC WTSA Resources
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Seeking documentation on prevalence of employee surveillance technologies
Luc Cousineau
- [Air-L] TIME SENSITIVE: Helping find talented techies to advise the UN on the evolution of the Internet
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Univ. Copenhagen - PhD fellowship position (deadline: 19 April 2022)
Jun Liu
- [Air-L] Only few days left! CfP and WS - UNITOPIA Digital Transformation as Democratic Moment
Maddalena Vivona
- [Air-L] Lectureship in Digital Politics
Adi Kuntsman
- [Air-L] [Call for Papers] 1st Workshop on Novel Evaluation Approaches for Text Classification Systems on Social Media
ROSS Bjorn
- [Air-L] Call for papers- Digital Governance andTranscultural Communications:values and strategies in an era ofneo-globalisation, digitalisationand platformisation
Yik Chan Chin
- [Air-L] WEBCAST Feb 28 – State of the Net 2022
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] New Book Announcement
S.J. Min
- [Air-L] Global Forum: The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict and the Future of Warfare
Olga Boichak
- [Air-L] Submission Deadline for #AoIR2022 is TOMORROW - 1 March 2022
Michelle, Association of Internet Researchers
- [Air-L] Journal of Peer Production #15 TRANSITION
- [Air-L] [Call for Papers] CySoc 2022 Workshop at ICWSM
Ugur Kursuncu
Last message date:
Mon Feb 28 19:43:50 PST 2022
Archived on: Thu Oct 3 17:39:34 PDT 2024
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