[Air-L] New Book Announcement

S.J. Min kissandhug at gmail.com
Sun Feb 27 18:01:18 PST 2022

Seong Jae Min (2021/2022). Rethinking the New Technology of Journalism: How
Slowing Down Will Save the News. Penn State University Press. e-book: Nov.
2021, hardcopy: Mar. 2022.

The frenetic pace of modern life subjected every facet of society,
including newsrooms, to cutthroat competitions and relentless pursuit of
speed.  Journalists today live by the grand discourse of speedy
technological innovation, struggling to catch up with new tools.  Is
technology a vital force in journalism that would make or break the
industry’s fate?  Shattering the conventional industry wisdom that
technology determines journalism’s forms, content, and its ultimate
success, this book suggests that, from the printing press to blockchain,
technologies’ role in journalism has been overstated.  The book calls for a
“slow journalism,” a respite from the hectic pace of newswork and incessant
innovation, and appreciation of long-term collaboration and reflection that
enhance journalism’s core missions and functions in society.

Available from Amazon and Google Play Books for a discounted price in March
($9.99 e-book).

Descriptions from the Penn State Press:

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