[Air-L] [Survey] Use of the TEI in Spanish

gimena del rio riande gdelrio.riande at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 08:08:41 PST 2022

Dear list members,

As part of the Mellon-funded initiative “Communicating the TEI to a
multilingual community,” we are researching the contexts and uses of the
Text Encoding Initiative among the global Spanish-speaking community. If
you have used the TEI for your research or taken any TEI course at any
level, and you are either part of the Global Spanish-speaking community or
work with Spanish texts encoded in TEI, you are kindly invited to answer
these questions.

We are interested in surveying the different scenarios where TEI is used,
the geographical diversity, and needs for training and learning resources.
We are launching this survey in the hopes of covering all those
Spanish-speaking areas, but also all those projects and users from other
regions working with Spanish primary sources (e.g. projects in the US,
using primary sources in Spanish, etc.).

The survey consists of 22 questions and should not take more than 10
minutes to complete. The survey is anonymous, although we ask about your
affiliation and nationality in order to obtain a better understanding from
a geographical point of view (we do not ask for demographic information
such as age, gender, ethnicity or religion).

The survey’s data will be used for a Report on the uses of the TEI and the
needs of the Spanish community.

The survey can be answered either in Spanish or English and will remain
open until February 28, 2022. Please share it with colleagues and friends
who might be able to contribute!

Follow this link to the Survey: https://bit.ly/encuestaTEI  or copy and
paste the URL into your internet browser:

We really appreciate your collaboration and we truly value the information
you can provide us.

Do you have questions? Please email our  research team via contacto at tthub.io
or directly to Susanna Allés-Torrent <susanna_alles at miami.edu> or Gimena
del Rio Riande <gdelrio at conicet.gov.ar>

Thank you very much,

Susanna Allés Torrent & Gimena del Rio Riande

Dra. Gimena del Rio Riande
Investigadora Adjunta. IIBICRIT, CONICET (Instituto de Investigaciones
Bibliográficas y Crítica Textual) - http://www.iibicrit-conicet.gov.ar/
Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales: http://aahd.net.ar
Coordinadora Humanidades Digitales CAICYT Lab: http://hdlab.space/
Twitter: @gimenadelr <https://twitter.com/gimenadelr>

Marcelo T. de Alvear 1694 (1060). Buenos Aires - Argentina

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