[Air-L] Nordic Digra: Uppsala 2023 keynote announcement

Lina Eklund lina.eklund at im.uu.se
Tue Nov 8 02:16:04 PST 2022

We are proud to announce our first keynote for the Nordic DiGRA 2023 conference: Nick Taylor

Nick Taylor is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and Media Studies at York University. He recently departed a 10-year stint in the Department of Communication at North Carolina State University, where he also served for two years as the Director of the interdisciplinary PhD program in Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media (CRDM).

Nick's work combines critical, posthumanist, and ethnographic approaches to analyse the subjectivities, communities, and industries associated with professionalised leisure practices. Ongoing interests include, among other things, the gendered politics of place in new media industries (including gaming tournaments and industry conventions), and the media practices of artists and entrepreneurs who work with building blocks. This work has appeared in journals such as Convergence, Critical Studies in Media Communication, and New Media & Society. He is also the lead editor of Masculinities in Play (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), the first volume on the intersections of masculinities and games, and LEGOfied: Building Blocks as Media (Bloomsbury, 2020).

If you want to participate in the conference and join us for the keynote, the deadline for submissions to Nordic DiGRA is the 18th of November, anywhere in the world.

Link to website: https://www.im.uu.se/nordicdigra2023/
Link to easy chair for submissions: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nodigra2023

Lina Eklund, PhD
Associate  Professor
Section leader HCI
Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction
Department of Informatics and Media
Uppsala University
Box 513, 751 20 Uppsala, SWEDEN

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