[Air-L] Social Media + Society Special Issue on Comparative Approaches to Studying Privacy

Christoph Lutz chrislutz at gmx.ch
Wed Nov 9 01:28:48 PST 2022

   Dear Colleagues,

   We would like to invite you to submit to a special issue at Social
   Media + Society ([1]https://journals.sagepub.com/home/sms) on
   Comparative Approaches To Studying Privacy: Opening Up New

   The call for papers with more information is available here:

   For this special issue, we understand ‘comparative’ broadly, including
   but not limited to geographical/cultural comparison (e.g., between
   different countries or cities), technological (e.g., between
   technologies of different levels of machine intelligence), social
   (e.g., between different socio-economic groups), legal (e.g., between
   different jurisdictions), economic (e.g., between different business
   models), and political comparison (e.g., between different political
   systems). Interdisciplinary submissions and contributions from
   non-Western contexts are particularly encouraged.

   The deadline for submitting abstracts is on 15 November 2022. Please
   submit your abstract (max 800 words) here: [3]http://tiny.cc/CASP2024

   Social Media + Society (published by SAGE) is a gold open access
   journal. For all accepted papers to this special issue, the article
   processing charge (APC) is waived, so no publication costs will accrue
   for the authors.

   Please forward the call to any potentially interested authors and don’t
   hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

   Kind regards,

   Special Issue Editors (Kelly Quinn, Philipp Masur, Dmitry Epstein,
   Carsten Wilhelm, Lemi Baruh, Christoph Lutz)

   Dr. Christoph Lutz
   Associate Professor

   [4]Nordic Centre for Internet & Society
   [5]Department of Communication and Culture

   [6]BI Norwegian Business School - [7]facebook.com/BIBusinessSchooI
   Office address: Nydalsveien 37, 0484 Oslo
   Mobile: +47 46410206

   Twitter: [8]@lutzid; Social Media: [9]ResearchGate – [10]Google Scholar
   – [11]Academia.edu


   1. https://journals.sagepub.com/home/sms
   2. https://journals.sagepub.com/pb-assets/cmscontent/SMS/CFP Special Issue-1663758895.pdf
   3. http://tiny.cc/CASP2024
   4. http://www.bi.edu/ncis
   5. https://www.bi.edu/research/find-departments-and-research-centres/departments/department-of-communication-and-culture/
   6. http://www.bi.edu/
   7. https://www.facebook.com/BIBusinessSchool?_rdr
   8. https://twitter.com/lutzid
   9. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christoph_Lutz
  10. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KI9IybAAAAAJ&hl=en
  11. https://bi.academia.edu/ChristophLutz

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