[Air-L] Seeking statements of interest for associate editor of Digital Culture and Education

Harry Dyer (EDU - Staff) Harry.T.Dyer at uea.ac.uk
Wed Jun 14 04:02:24 PDT 2023

Dear all,
I am writing as part of the editorial board of Digital Culture and Education<https://www.digitalcultureandeducation.com/> (DCE) as we enter our 5th year running the journal. In that time we have put out 6 standard issues of the journal (including our latest ongoing edition<https://www.digitalcultureandeducation.com/volume-14-4>), 4 special issues, and our COVID conversations<https://www.digitalcultureandeducation.com/covid-19-conversations> with researchers from around the world. In this time we have tried to play with the form and format of journal articles, and continue to push for new and creative ways of sharing research. For example, our special issue exploring 'shelfies'<https://www.digitalcultureandeducation.com/volume-14-2> played around with the format and form of selfies and shelfies, producing exciting and thought-provoking art, writing, and audio recordings.
As a proudly fully free and open access journal we believe in the importance of developing and challenging academic writing and scholarship, and in highlighting thoughtful and engaging work around the overlaps between technology, education, and cultural issues. This is only possible with the support of the team around us, and with the continued support of our associate editors and the excellent community of digital researchers as a whole. With this in mind we are currently seeking statements of interest in joining the board of DCE as associate editor.
The success of DCE is dependent upon the high quality of its papers and its reviewers, upon its relevance to leading researchers and professionals in the field as an important site for publishing and encountering new work, and its capacity to nurture new and emerging scholarship, ideas and practice. This is a collaborative endeavour in which the editorial board plays a critical role.
As associate editors we would invite you to:
*       Continue to improve the quality of papers published in DCE through regular, high quality reviewing for the journal - We are aiming to ask associate editors to review at least two papers per year.
*       To develop the field by proposing and taking a lead in editing special issues in emerging areas of interest. We have been notably successful in this area over the past 5 years, with another special issue currently in the works, and would be keen to work with you on issues you are interested in pitching.
*       To share in the debate as to the futures of the field and of the journal, and to provide constructive challenge and advice to the editors by joining at least one editorial board meeting per year.
*       To broaden and encourage the community of scholars contributing to DCE by actively promoting the journal to colleagues and within professional communities, including via social media (where appropriate)
*       To generate engagement with networks of people in relevant fields by encouraging them to submit articles and special issues on significant topics
*       To share the activities related to the above fairly across the Board membership

Your involvement in DCE is absolutely central to the development of the journal, and we hope to the development of the field more broadly. We hope that the journal will continue to act as an important platform for research and thinking. We hope also to play an active role in developing the field as a whole - bringing on the next generation of researchers, growing participation, and continuing to strengthen the quality of research and insight in the field.

If you would be interested in joining as an associate editor moving forward, please get in contact with Harry Dyer at harry.t.dyer at uea.ac.uk<mailto:harry.t.dyer at uea.ac.uk>, outlining your areas of work to date and your interest in the journal. We are interested in hearing from people at various stages in their career, so please do get in contact.

We hope you enjoy the summer,

Best wishes,

The DCE Editorial Board

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