June 2023 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Jun 1 06:07:58 PDT 2023
Ending: Fri Jun 30 21:55:09 PDT 2023
Messages: 111
- [Air-L] The Synthetic City: Extended Deadline and Keynote Speakers
Scott Rodgers
- [Air-L] Call for Workshop Proposals Submission: 16th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2023) - Deadline: 12 June 2023
Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou
- [Air-L] Call for Workshop Proposals -- 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (BDCAT2023) -- Deadline: 12 June 2023
Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou
- [Air-L] CfP: Social media in Higher Education: What’s happening?
Mark Carrigan
- [Air-L] CfP: When was the "Smart Border"? Tracing Critical Histories of Media Technological Border and Migration Control
- [Air-L] CFP // The Post-API Conference: Social media data acquisition after Twitter
Deen Freelon
- [Air-L] Due Date Extended! (6/15) CFP: Liberatory Legacy of bell hooks JITP Themed Issue
Michael Rifino
- [Air-L] Seeking assistance on a social media research project
Oltmann, Shannon M.
- [Air-L] Seeking assistance on a social media research project
Jaigris Hodson
- [Air-L] Seeking assistance on a social media research project
Groesch,SN (pgt)
- [Air-L] Seeking assistance on a social media research project
Xanat Meza
- [Air-L] JOB: Associate Director, Internet and Technology at Pew Research Center
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Registration open: Content Moderation and Its Discontents
Jacob Johanssen
- [Air-L] Univ. Amsterdam - Postdoc in Narratives of (Dis)Trust & Social Media
rogers at govcom.org
- [Air-L] CFP ‘Media Industries’, 16-19 April 2024, King’s College London
Xiao Han
- [Air-L] Registration for #AoIR2023 is now available
Michelle, Association of Internet Researchers
- [Air-L] New Seminar Series: Civic Data Talks - Data Cooperatives and Engagement
Emily Rempel
- [Air-L] Call for Registration/Program Announcement Workshop on Algorithmic Injustice 26&27 June 2023
Marjolein Lanzing
- [Air-L] cfp Proposals Now Invited for ‘Media Industries’, 16-19 April 2024, King’s College London
Paul McDonald
- [Air-L] ASCILITE Webinar: The Untapped Power of Wikis for Open Education and Information Literacy
- [Air-L] WEBCAST JUN 6-7 – 2023 European Connectivity Summit – Connecting the Unconnected: Europe & Beyond
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] CfA: Theorizing Platform Content Moderation: Power, Resistance, and Democratic Control
J.C. Vieira Magalhaes
- [Air-L] Real-Time Intelligent Systems RTIS 2023
ijwa dline.info
Nanette Levinson
- [Air-L] mediastudies.press submission window for book manuscripts from 1 June-30 July, 2023
Park, David
- [Air-L] CfP: Social media in Higher Education - What’s happening?
Mark Carrigan
- [Air-L] Wikihistories 2023
Heather Ford
- [Air-L] CFP: Special issue on (un)Stable Diffusions
Fenwick Mckelvey
- [Air-L] CFP deadline 7/31: "As the World Burns: On Media and Climate, " special issue of Media-N
Rebecca Uliasz
- [Air-L] Final call for contributors: The Synthetic City conference, 6-7 Sep 2023, Dublin
Scott Rodgers
- [Air-L] WEBCAST JUN 14 – New York City Internet and Digital Equity Listening Session
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Online Talk on Empirical Platform Governance Research: Rebecca Scharlach on "Governing Principles"
Christian Katzenbach
- [Air-L] Inviting Submissions for Journal of Environmental Media
Patrick Brodie
- [Air-L] ICWL 2023 (22nd International Conference on Web-based Learning)
Elvira Popescu
- [Air-L] INFRAHealth 2023//CfP Demo and Poster//Deadline extended 25.06.2023
Aal, Konstantin
- [Air-L] Article on data arenas and environmental data activism
Bartosz Ślosarski
- [Air-L] PII and Social Data
Shulman, Stu
- [Air-L] PII and Social Data
Mott Given
- [Air-L] WEBCAST JUN 10-11: 2023 North American School of Internet Governance (NASIG)
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Call For Posters, ACM IMC 2023, Montréal, Canada, Submission deadline: July 21, 2023
Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou
- [Air-L] new and forthcoming book publications
- [Air-L] Real-Time Intelligent Systems 2023
ijwa dline.info
- [Air-L] Reminder: Call for Abstracts (due June 30): Oregon Surveillance Studies Workshop 2023
Bryce Newell
- [Air-L] AoIR conspiracy workshop and call for abstracts
Zelly Martin
- [Air-L] Job: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Information Systems at the University of Sheffield
Kate Miltner
- [Air-L] PhD Position in Media & Internet Governance at the University of Zurich
Alena Birrer
- [Air-L] LaborTech Call for Nominations
Rafael Grohmann
- [Air-L] Recommendation for sentiment analysis in Japanese
Xanat Meza
- [Air-L] Reminder — CfP: The Politics of Machine Learning Evaluation (Due June 30)
Dieuwertje Luitse
- [Air-L] Seeking statements of interest for associate editor of Digital Culture and Education
Harry Dyer (EDU - Staff)
- [Air-L] CFP : Special issue of Feminist Encounters on ‘Digital Activisms and Intersectionality in Context.’ Spring 2026
Radhika G
- [Air-L] AoIR 2023 Dissertation Award Announcement
Michelle, Association of Internet Researchers
- [Air-L] WEBCAST JUN 14 – New York City Internet and Digital Equity Listening Session
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] CFP for History of Media Studies
Park, David
- [Air-L] Call for #AoIR2025 and #AoIR2026 Annual Conference Host
Michelle, Association of Internet Researchers
- [Air-L] Join us for an upcoming workshop on how to run a Wikipedia assignment!
Helaine Blumenthal
- [Air-L] Registration still open for Doctoral Summer School on Sustainable ICT (SICT)
Fieke Jansen
- [Air-L] Data professionals within the Dutch national police and their data practices
Schaefer, M.T. (Mirko)
- [Air-L] Two funded PhD studentships @ the ESRC Digital Good Network
Helen Kennedy
- [Air-L] Still time to register: Content Moderation and Its Discontents, 23 June
Jacob Johanssen
- [Air-L] CFP || Global Media and China_Special Issue_Games, Play and Fictional/Virtual Worlds in China
Xiao Han
Sandra Alvaro
- [Air-L] Real-Time Intelligent Systems 2023
ijwa dline.info
- [Air-L] Digital activism across North-South divides
Esther Laufer
- [Air-L] Twitter Data Access Update
Shulman, Stu
- [Air-L] 2 New Positions: Research Developers, Digital Narratives Studio, CUHK, Hong Kong
Nishant Shah
- [Air-L] WEBCAST JUN 20 – ICANN77 Readout – Highlights & Take-Aways from the Policy Forum
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] 2 New Positions: Research Developers, Digital Narratives Studio, CUHK, Hong Kong
Nishant Shah
- [Air-L] Job Posting - Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) at Royal Roads University
Jaigris Hodson
- [Air-L] ⏰ Two days left until the Online Hate, Media (Mis)Representation and Systemic Racism Conference
Jaigris Hodson
- [Air-L] REMINDER - Call for Proposals Open Until July 1st for the 2023 Connected Learning Summit
Cindy Hau
- [Air-L] Reminder: LaborTech Call for Awards Nominations
Rider, Karina (gxy9fq)
- [Air-L] [self-promo] New Book - Algorithmic Rights and Protections for Children out 6/27
Mizuko Ito
- [Air-L] Generative AI and cultural policies from the Global South
Hamlet Lopez
- [Air-L] 5 post doc positions at the University of Naples.
Adam Arvidsson
- [Air-L] Digital Data Processing 2023- IEEE
ijwa dline.info
- [Air-L] INVITATION: UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health’s’ thematic report on Digital Innovation, Technologies, & The Right to Health
Sara Leila Margaret Davis
- [Air-L] SUNY Council on Writing Conference 2023: =?utf-8?Q?=E2=80=9CWriting=2C_?=Thinking, and Learning with AI”
Matthew Salzano
- [Air-L] WEBCAST JUN 22- CITI Governance – Function Follows Form: The Proposed UN Digital Cooperation Forum
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Of interest- Responding to Online Abuse: What We Heard from Health Communicators
Jaigris Hodson
- [Air-L] CFP: Professional and Pedagogical Approaches to Generative AI
J.J. Sylvia IV
- [Air-L] Job opportunity - Senior Research Associate
Harry Dyer (EDU - Staff)
- [Air-L] LaborTech Launches New Blog
Rider, Karina (gxy9fq)
- [Air-L] CFP: Professional and Pedagogical Approaches to Generative AI
Hamlet Lopez
- [Air-L] CFP: Professional and Pedagogical Approaches to Generative AI
ijwa dline.info
- [Air-L] DEADLINE SOON: submit your abstract for the Symposium on Misinformation & Marginalization
Yvonne Eadon
- [Air-L] Invitation to High-dimensional cinema (6 July 2023)
daniel.chavez at kcl.ac.uk
- [Air-L] Call for Papers: 14th Int. Conference on Networked Learning in Higher Education, Lifelong Learning and Professional Development (May 15-17, Valletta, Malta)
Vitomir Kovanovic
- [Air-L] New Fairwork Project report released on Gender and Platform Work
Michelle Gardner
- [Air-L] PhD position in Digital Sociology
Simon Lindgren
- [Air-L] Deadline extended! Re: CFP: 1st International Workshop on Webomics and/as Hypertext
Ernesto Priego
- [Air-L] Real-Time Intelligent Systems
ijwa dline.info
- [Air-L] Call for Papers: Oregon Surveillance Studies Workshop 2023
Bryce Newell
- [Air-L] New report on encrypted messaging apps
Zelly Claire Eliane Martin Geurink
- [Air-L] Workshop on Generative AI models
ijwa dline.info
- [Air-L] WEBCAST JUN 28 – IPNSIG Academy: Space – Unlocking the Future – A conversation with the ITU Secretary General
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Deadline Approaching: Submit your Wikipedia assignment by July 17!
Helaine Blumenthal
- [Air-L] Online Talk Series on Platform Governance Research: TUE, July 4 – Catalina Goanta on European Regulation and Platform ToS
Christian Katzenbach
- [Air-L] CFP TikTok Creators and Digital Economies - closing July 3
Zoetanya Sujon
- [Air-L] Online Talk Series on Platform Governance Research: TUE, July 4 – Catalina Goanta on European Regulation and Platform ToS
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Save the date! GIG-ARTS 2024: 3-4 June 2024, The Hague - '30 Years of MSism in IG'
- [Air-L] New Podcast: Episode on Disconnection & Digital Disengagement
Mark Nunes
- [Air-L] The SAGE Handbook of Human-Machine Communication Published
Andrea Guzman
- [Air-L] New Report: How Users Make Sense of Misinformation Warnings on Personal Messaging
Natalie-Anne Hall
- [Air-L] Join Us! @SMLabTO is hiring a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to study misinformation and anti-social narratives about immigration
Anatoliy Gruzd
- [Air-L] Call for Proposals Submission: Global Perspectives on Social Media Influencers and Strategic Business Communication
Nicky Chang Bi
- [Air-L] PhD funded position in CCI on critical data literacies
eva durall
- [Air-L] **Cfp** approaching deadline | Handbook of Critical Literacies and Gender Studies
Ana Marta M. Flores
- [Air-L] Deadline extended to 3 July - Machine Reflections – Workshop on Visual Generative AI, 10-11 July
Stefan Luca
- [Air-L] CFP Deadline Extended to July 10 - Misinformation Village - DEFCON 31 (Aug 11-13, Las Vegas)
Ahmed Medien
- [Air-L] Workshop on "Next-Generation Models for Generative AI"
ijwa dline.info
Last message date:
Fri Jun 30 21:55:09 PDT 2023
Archived on: Thu Oct 3 17:39:40 PDT 2024
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