[Air-L] Registration open: Content Moderation and Its Discontents

Jacob Johanssen johanssenjacob at gmail.com
Fri Jun 2 06:04:44 PDT 2023

*Content Moderation and Its Discontents*
Organised by Jacob Johanssen (St. Mary’s University), Daniela Nadj (St.
Mary’s University), Susanne Benzel (Sigmund Freud Institute)
St. Mary’s University, 23 June 2023, 9.30am-6.20pm BST
Shannon 1 + 2 and Zoom
Registration: https://forms.gle/xAjVJETThdNxDuJRA

*Conference Programme *

*9-9.45am Registration and coffee 9.45am Introduction  *
Jacob Johanssen (St. Mary’s University), Daniela Nadj (St. Mary’s
University), Susanne Benzel (Sigmund Freud Institute)

*10-11.20am Harassment and hate speech*
Thi Gammon (King’s College London) - Hate content and online shaming of
showbiz celebrities in Vietnam: The case study of Tran Thanh
Eirliani Abdul Rahman (Harvard University) - “You all belong in jail!” –
Stochastic harassment on Twitter
Elizabeth Farries and Eugenia Siapera (UCD Centre for Digital Policy) -
Platformed misogyny and the limits of regulation: Cancel culture and shadow

*11.30am-12.30pm Keynote*
Phoebe Moore and Peter Bloom (University of Essex) - The new normal:
Content moderation during and after the Pandemic

12.30-2pm Lunch

*2-3.20pm Frameworks and methods*
Gergely Gosztonyi (Eötvös Loránd University) and Gergely Ferenc Lendvai
(Pázmány Péter Catholic University) - “Censored, cancelled, annulled” – A
comprehensive, interdisciplinary overview of the legal implications and
regulatory framework regarding censorship and cancel culture
Yang Yu (Tsinghua University), Yan Lu (Tsinghua University) and Wei Ming Ye
(Peking University) - Audit the account deletion's impact on compliant
users on social media
Emillie V. de Keulenaar (University of Groningen) - After deplatforming:
The return of trace research for the study of platform effects

3.20-3.40pm Coffee break

*3.40-5pm Psychoanalytic approaches*
Marilyn Charles (Austen Riggs Center) - Tyranny of the shoulds: The press
towards conformity
Greta Kaluzeviciute (Vilnius University) - Digital archeo-analysis:
‘Digging’ past reflections, ‘shaping’ present narratives
Clint Burnham (Simon Fraser University) - From shitstorm to Schmittstorm:
Or, no, there still is no big Other

*5pm-6.20pm Case studies*
Max Lasse Schaefer (University of Edinburgh) - How is evidence presented
and formed in an incel echo chamber?
Klara Avsec (Lund University) - Deplatforming and competitive victimhood
Alois Sieben (Simon Fraser University) - Infinite intimacy: The Möbius
strip of content in Mary South’s “You Will Never Be Forgotten”

6.20pm Wine reception and dinner

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