[Air-L] Job: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Information Systems at the University of Sheffield

Kate Miltner kmiltner at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 03:03:42 PDT 2023

Hello all,

The Information School at The University of Sheffield is hiring for a
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) or Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in
Information Systems to join our department:

We are especially interested in applications from people who are
traditionally underrepresented (women & non-binary folks, LGBTQ+ folks,
BIPOC/BAME folks, people with disabilities).

Please note that you will need to have completed your PhD
(defended/completed your viva) by the application deadline in order to be
eligible for this position.

The deadline for this application is *July 5 *and interviews are planned
for *July 19*.

A quick note about this job: the type of research that would be relevant to
a position like this is quite broad, and definitely includes critical
research. The Information Systems people in our department do
critically-inflected work on AI Ethics, smart cities, the digital divide,
health systems, the information experiences of migrants, and data justice,
among other things.

If you have any questions about the position itself or the iSchool, please
contact Professor Val Gillet, Head of Department (*v.gillet at sheffield.ac.uk
<v.gillet at sheffield.ac.uk>*) or Professor Laurence Brooks, Deputy Head of
Department (*l.brooks at sheffield.ac.uk <l.brooks at sheffield.ac.uk>*). If you
have any questions about the application process, please contact lead
recruiter Ellie Heath (*e.g.heath at sheffield.ac.uk
<e.g.heath at sheffield.ac.uk>*).

All best,

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