[Air-L] Call for #AoIR2025 and #AoIR2026 Annual Conference Host

Michelle, Association of Internet Researchers ac at aoir.org
Thu Jun 15 04:15:00 PDT 2023

The Executive Committee of the Association of Internet Researchers is
seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from prospective Conference Hosts for
the annual meetings of the Association for October 2025 and 2026. With this
call, AoIR will return to our regular rotation schedule: the 2025
conference will take place outside of North America and Europe, and the
2026 conference will take place in North America.

EOIs are due to the AoIR Executive Committee by July 18, 2023. EOIs will be
reviewed by the AoIR Executive Committee, who will then gauge feasibility
through a series of follow-up discussions with proposers. Proposers for the
2025 conference will be informed of decisions regarding conference hosting
by September 2023. The AoIR membership will be informed of the 2025
conference location during the AGM at AoIR2023 in Philadelphia.

The AoIR conference draws an international group of 500-700 researchers and
practitioners to present and discuss work at the cutting edge in
understanding the individual, social, political, economic and cultural
aspects of the internet and related technologies. The Conference Host
Committee is a regional group of scholars that may be part of the same or
different organisations. They are also invited to propose a Program Chair.
The Program Chair oversees the submissions and review process of papers,
panels, workshops, and preconferences, and schedules the conference
sessions. The Program Chair may be a member of the organization that acts
as Conference Host. Members of the Conference Host Committee should have a
strong existing connection to the Association of Internet Researchers.

Serving on the Conference Hosting committee is a large commitment. The role
of the Conference Host and committee is to make contributions to the
conference theme and call for papers, identify keynote and plenary
speakers, plan and provide crucial local knowledge and connections, and
oversee region-specific fundraising (where possible, provide venue space at
cost or in kind). AoIR will assist with the practical conference planning,
including negotiating contracts with hotels, meeting venues, catering, and
the like, and will partner with the host committee on many of the
administrative details of the conference, such as reception and meal
planning, AV and wifi provision, and exhibitor displays.

Organizations or consortia that may be interested in serving as Conference
Host should contact President Tama Leaver at prez (at) aoir.org by 18 July
2023 with a brief expression of interest. The EOI should include the
following and be no longer than 5 double spaced pages:

   1. the individuals and organization(s) involved, and their proposed
   2. the connection of proposers to internet research and to AoIR;
   3. a description of any prior experiences proposers have had with
   organizing or hosting a conference, and the roles played in this;
   4. an argument to support the proposed conference location, especially
   with respect to ease of travel for AoIR’s multinational community of
   conference participants;
   5. initial thoughts on local venue options (AoIR has in the past held
   the annual conference at a variety of venue spaces including universities,
   conference centers, and hotels);
   6. prospective conference dates, keeping in mind any major local,
   national, and international holidays, semester schedules, or other aspects
   that might affect the timing of the conference;
   7. a firm indication of whether you will be attending AoIR2023 in
   Philadelphia and are available to meet for further discussions about
   hosting AoIR2025 or AoIR2026.

Please contact President Tama Leaver at prez (at) aoir.org or AoIR’s
Association Coordinator ac (at) aoir.org if you have any questions.

Tama Leaver
President, Association of Internet Researchers

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