[Air-L] Call for Papers: 14th Int. Conference on Networked Learning in Higher Education, Lifelong Learning and Professional Development (May 15-17, Valletta, Malta)
Vitomir Kovanovic
Vitomir.Kovanovic at unisa.edu.au
Sat Jun 24 08:47:55 PDT 2023
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 14th International Conference on Networked Learning in Higher Education, Lifelong Learning and Professional Development.
The overarching theme of the conference is "Networked Learning as a Pedagogy of Hope", and some of the key themes are:
* Digital futures and environmental renaissance
* Artificial intelligence, learning analytics and emergent digital technologies
* Ethical and responsible innovation and research
The conference is hosted by the University of Malta, at the Valletta Campus in Malta, on May 15-17, 2024.
Keynote Speakers:
* Jen Ross, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
* Alexei Dingli, University of Malta, Malta
* Felicitas Macgilchrist, University of Goettingen, Germany
Key Dates:
* Full/short papers or symposia proposals must be submitted by 6th October 2023
* Workshops/Round tables must be submitted by 17th November 2023
* Notification of acceptance by 15th December 2023
All submissions are peer-reviewed, and accepted submissions are published in the conference proceedings. Selected papers are invited for publication in an edited book as part of the Springer book series "Research in Networked Learning<https://www.springer.com/series/11810>".
Full conference details can be found at: <http://www.networkedlearning.aau.dk/> https://www.networkedlearning.aau.dk/nlc-2024
To receive updates from the Networked Learning Consortium - sign up for the newsletter: https://www.networkedlearning.aau.dk/news
Best regards,
Maarten de Laat, Thomas Ryberg, Nina Bonderup Dohn, Maria Cutajar, and Carmel Borg
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