[Air-L] CfP: Social media in Higher Education - What’s happening?

Mark Carrigan mark at markcarrigan.net
Tue Jun 6 13:56:45 PDT 2023

*Journal of Interactive Media in Education special collection – call for

The Twitter interface famously prompts users to submit content by asking
the question, ‘What’s happening?’. Given the recent turmoil surrounding the
platform, it is a timely question to reflect back on itself, and social
media more broadly. While the relationship between social media and higher
education is far from new, the uncertainty around Twitter’s future, and
migration to other platforms such as Mastodon, highlights the precarity of
relying on corporate infrastructure to support public scholarship.

It is against this background of uncertainty and movement between platforms
and infrastructures that we launch a call for submissions to a special
collection of the the Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME) on
the topic of social media in higher education. Within this topic, the scope
of the call is broad. We welcome papers, particularly empirical
submissions, addressing any current issues in relation to the use of social
media in Higher Education or other critical aspects of the relationship
between social media and the academy. Possible topics of interest include,
but are not limited to, the following:

   - The academic social media ecosystem – post-Twitter
   - The role of algorithms in mediating scholarly communication
   - Professional practice by academics in the post-Twitter era
   - Social media and research impact
   - AI and academic social media
   - New and under-studied social media platforms in the context of higher
   education, e.g. Mastodon, TikTok
   - The use of social media in teaching and learning in higher education
   - Training and supporting academics for social media beyond Twitter

If you have an idea for a paper and would like informal feedback or to
verify whether it would be in scope, please do feel free to get in touch
with the authors by email at  klj33 at cam.ac.uk (Katy).

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the JIME guidelines for
submissions. Note that submissions should be no more than 7,500 words in
length, including all referencing and citations. To be considered for the
special collection, full papers must be submitted by 4th September
2023.Submissions can be made through the JIME website at
https://account.jime.open.ac.uk/index.php/up-j-jime/login . Please indicate
that your paper is to be considered for the Special Collection when
submitting. Please note that we may also ask submitting authors to act as a
reviewer for one other submission.

Special collection editors: Dr Katy Jordan, University of Cambridge
Dr Mark Carrigan, University of Manchester

Deadline for submissions: 4th September 2023 (full papers)
Provisional publication date: January 2024

markcarrigan.net <http://www.markcarrigan.net/> | @theplatformuni
LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-c-516017123/> | Soundcloud
<https://soundcloud.com/mark-carrigan> | Youtube
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflmX41wlvtXPIhy51Wfonw/videos> | Recent
publications <https://manchester.padlet.org/j04936mc/jbob1uin0weo43dh>

*I occasionally send e-mail outside of normal hours as my preferred way of
balancing multiple commitments. Please don't feel obligated to respond to
this e-mail until your own working hours have resumed. *

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