[Air-L] REMINDER - Call for Proposals Open Until July 1st for the 2023 Connected Learning Summit

Cindy Hau cindy at clalliance.org
Tue Jun 20 12:08:05 PDT 2023

[image: Connected Learning Summit 2023 Graphic] Submissions are open for the
Sixth Annual
Connected Learning Summit
<https://connectedlearningsummit.org/call-for-proposals-2023/> happening
virtually October 26-28! Be sure to submit before our new closing date of
July 1st, extended to accommodate additional submissions.

We invite submissions of Research Papers and Showcases that focus on
digital technologies for learning, educational and commercial games,
innovative tech-infused curricula, and theoretical and/or empirical
exploration of digital media and technology for learning. We particularly
encourage submissions that are responsive to issues of pressing
contemporary concern – a global racial reckoning, pandemic-fueled digital
transformations, persistent social inequities, and the climate crisis.

CLS2023 will be entirely online, using the Whova platform. Our program will
start with a pre-conference day for conversation around topics of shared
interest as well as meetups for Research Paper and Showcase contributors.
The Main Conference will include keynote and plenary sessions, and
workshops organized by CLA partners. The majority of the event will be
programmed during work hours in North America, but will also include some
programming in the morning hours of Asia and Australia.

For more information, please visit our website
<https://connectedlearningsummit.org/call-for-proposals-2023/> and sign up
for updates <https://connectedlearningsummit.org/about/> about the
Connected Learning Summit.

We are offering four registration tiers:

for academic and industry participants.

for educational practitioners

for students, and professionals from middle and low income countries

for students from middle and low income countries
Register today! <https://connectedlearningsummit.org/registration/>
About the Connected Learning Summit

CLS was first convened in 2018 <https://2018.connectedlearningsummit.org/>
with the mission to fuel a growing movement of innovators harnessing the
power of emerging technology to expand access to participatory, playful,
and creative learning. It was launched as a merger between three community
events with this shared vision and values: the Digital Media and Learning
Conference <https://dmlhub.net/conference/index.html>, the
and Sandbox
Summit <https://www.pgpedia.com/s/sandbox-summit>. With a unique focus on
cross-sector connections and progressive and catalytic innovation, the
event brings together leading researchers, educators, and developers. The
hosting and stewardship of the event has continued to evolve in tandem with
the changing conditions of the global pandemic. The UC Irvine’s Connected
Learning Lab <https://connectedlearning.uci.edu/>, MIT’s Scheller Teacher
Education Program and Education Arcade <https://education.mit.edu/> were
the founding hosts of the event. As we have moved online and have become a
more international event, we are expanding our roster of partners and

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