[Air-L] WEBCAST JUN 28 – IPNSIG Academy: Space – Unlocking the Future – A conversation with the ITU Secretary General

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Wed Jun 28 07:10:41 PDT 2023

This is under way. REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/432nEPZ

[image: isoc.live] <https://isoc.live/16672>On *Wednesday June 28
2023* at *5pm-6pm
EDT* (21:00-22:00 UTC) the *Interplanetary Networking Special Interest
Group <https://ipnsig.org/>* (IPNSIG) presents an IPNSIG Academy's keynote
talk: 'Space - Unlocking the Future - A conversation with the ITU Secretary

ITU Secretary-General *Doreen Bogdan-Martin* will join *Vint Cerf* for a
fireside chat exploring space’s potential as a driver of sustainable
development. They will discuss promising opportunities in the space
economy, striving for “Space for All,” and balancing space-based benefits
with risk management to ensure space sustainability. Bogdan-Martin will
share insights from ITU’s extensive experience managing the international
treaty governing global radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbit

*Doreen Bogdan-Martin*, Secretary-General, International Telecommunication
Union (ITU)

*Vint Cerf*, IPNSIG / Google

*LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/ipnsigacademy13

*PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://bit.ly/3JsGSHG <https://bit.ly/3JsGSHG>*

*REAL TIME TEXT* (see *ISOC.LIVE <https://isoc.live/16672>*)

*TWITTER #IPNSIGacademy <https://bit.ly/3r2kWN0> #DTN @IPNSIG @vgcerf
@DoreenBogdan @ITUSecGen @ITU*
*#space *

*MASTODON #IPNSIGacademy <https://mastodon.social/tags/IPNSIGacademy> *

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*Permalink https://isoc.live/16672/ <https://isoc.live/16672/>*


Joly MacFie  +12185659365

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