[Air-L] Join Us! @SMLabTO is hiring a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to study misinformation and anti-social narratives about immigration

Anatoliy Gruzd agruzd at gmail.com
Thu Jun 29 10:28:57 PDT 2023

Hi Everyone,
We are excited to announce a new postdoc position at the Social Media Lab,
Toronto Metropolitan University (Toronto, Canada). This opportunity may be
of interest to some of you on this list.

The selected candidate will contribute to diverse projects that explore the
intersection of social media research and immigration studies. The
overarching objective is to gain a deeper understanding of how social media
platforms and online communication affect the different facets of
immigration, including topics such as:

   - Digital migration narratives
   - Public discourse and sentiment analysis
   - Online hate speech and discrimination targeting migrants and refugees
   - Information and misinformation diffusion
   - Digital activism and advocacy
   - Social integration and online identity
   - Online support networks

Please see more details here:

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