[Air-L] CfP | ICEGOV 2023 | Digital governance for the United Nations Sustainable Development goals Track

Mamello Thinyane Mamello.Thinyane at unisa.edu.au
Wed Mar 22 21:18:26 PDT 2023

Dear colleagues,

This is an invitation to submit your papers to the "Digital governance for the United Nations Sustainable Development goals<https://www.icegov.org/edition-2023/papers/track-7/>" track at the 16th edition of the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance<https://www.icegov.org/> (ICEGOV 2023) by the 23rd April 2023 (AOE).

Digital governance can be a strong tool to achieve a better and more sustainable world. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) present the most challenging problems and ways to overcome them as a global community. This Track aims to include paper presentations that link the digital governance systems' planning, implementation or evaluation to the UN SDGs. Studies showing how digital governance systems can help achieve goals towards SGDs, identifying problems of implementation or cooperation, and evaluating the impact of digital governance systems on the Goals are welcome in this track.

ICEGOV 2023 returns to South America after the editions of 2009 (Colombia) and 2016 (Uruguay). This time, BRAZIL is the host country, with the city of BELO HORIZONTE setting itself up to be the hotspot of Digital Governance between 26-29 SEPTEMBER 2023.

This year's theme focuses on Digital Governance for Democratic, Equitable, and Inclusive Societies. Citizen-centric values such as inclusion, participation, engagement, and transparency in government should be at the forefront when it comes to digital governance initiatives. In a networked, globalised, and increasingly data-driven world, in which democracies are put to the test, digital governance continues to play an important role. Citizen-centricity has proven difficult to achieve in practice, and there are challenges and limitations to reaching more democratic, equitable, and inclusive societies through digital governance.

Over the past 16 years, ICEGOV has established itself as a significant and structured source of in-depth, rich research, policy insight, and networking that reaches audiences on a national and international scale. It is ranked as one of the leading conferences in Digital Governance and brings with it a state-of-the-art, 4-days programme where academia, governments, international organisations, industry, and civil society share the latest insights and experiences in the field.

Join the conference community by submitting your research work through this Call for Papers & Workshops. More than 2000 authors from 96 countries have already contributed towards 1390 published papers covering a vast majority of topics, regions, and people of the world, with over 6900 people having attended ICEGOV thus far.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to Belo Horizonte in September 2023!


Mamello Thinyane | BScIS, MSc, PhD | Optus Chair of Cybersecurity and Data Science
UniSA STEM | University of South Australia
Mawson Lakes Campus, Mawson Lakes Blvd, Mawson Lakes | SA 5095
Tel +61 8 8302 3255
mamello.thinyane at unisa.edu.au<mailto:mamello.thinyane at unisa.edu.au> | www.unisa.edu.au<http://www.unisa.edu.au/>

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