[Air-L] Situating Data Practices Beyond DataUniversalism / 5th international Data Power conference / 4th-6th Sept 2024 / IIIT/Banglaore, Graz/Austria & online

Helen Kennedy h.kennedy at sheffield.ac.uk
Thu Nov 2 05:18:32 PDT 2023

We are pleased to announce Situating Data Practices Beyond Data
Universalism, the 5th International Data Power Conference, which will take
place 4th – 6th September 2024, online and in person in two locations:
International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT-B), India
and the University of Graz, Austria.

   - Abstract deadline: 19th January 2024
   - Communication of acceptance: 15th March 2024
   - More information is available on the Data Power website

*Call for abstracts*

The Data Power Conference hosts critical reflections on data’s power and
the social, political, economic and cultural consequences of data’s
increasing presence in our lives, workplaces, and societies. The 5th
International Data Power focuses on situating data practices and looking
beyond data universalism. It aims to:

   - Situate data practices in the power relations that shape their
   creation and use in the world
   - Explore the importance of place, space, time and context in the making
   of data and the effects of data power
   - Examine the centres of data power and their infrastructures

In addition, the conference asks:

   - What constitutes rigorous methods when it comes to researching data
   power locally and globally?
   - To what extent does critical data power research need to focus on
   specific instances of data power in action?
   - What generalised critiques can be made from our field?

To facilitate dialogues across disciplines and with stakeholders, we
welcome papers from interdisciplinary teams including disciplines
incorporating aspects of data science, and papers which incorporate
non-academic collaborators from a range of sectors.

As always, the Data Power Conference remains concerned with in/equalities,
discrimination, questions of justice, rights and freedoms, and agency and
resistance. We welcome papers that engage with these matters.

There will be a keynote speaker in each of the in-person locations, details
to be confirmed.

*Information on paper* *abstracts and proposals for making & doing sessions*

   - Whilst we welcome papers and session proposals of all kinds, please
   note that this conference focuses on critical questions about data’s power
   and also papers that are critical and/or reflective with regards to the
   social and cultural consequences of the rise of data’s power.
   - We also welcome proposals for making & doing sessions. These should
   aim to share practical interventions, practices of doing data studies
   research and other types of engaged or participatory research or hands-on
   workshops (e.g. data walks, data sprints, counter mapping). These sessions
   will take place in-person only. Remote participation in them will not be
   possible. (See the 4S website
   <https://www.4sonline.org/making_and_doing.php> for great advice on how
   to craft such sessions,).
   - Please submit a 250-300 word abstract for individual papers or making
   & doing sessions. Panel proposals should include a 250-300 word panel
   description + a 250-300 word abstract for each paper.
   - The deadline is 19th January 2024.
   - If you want to discuss special formats for paper sessions or making &
   doing sessions, please contact the organisers.

*Information on conference attendance*

   - It will be possible to participate EITHER remotely OR in-person in one
   of the two locations in which the conference will take place – Centre for
   Information Technology and Public Policy (CITAPP) at IIIT-Bangalore (India)
   and BANDAS Center & Department of Sociology at University of Graz
   - Building on our experience in collectively organising hybrid
   conferences, the conference will seek to be accessible across time zones.
   - Conference fee: A modest fee for conference participation will be
   charged. Further details will be available once registration opens.
   Researchers without institutional support may apply for a waiver

*Abstract submission*

You can submit your abstract via our abstract submission system
<https://ojs.library.carleton.ca/index.php/datapower> from 1st November.
Organizing Committee

   - Janaki Srinivasan <https://www.iiitb.ac.in/faculty/janaki-srinivasan>,
   IIIT-Bangalore (India)
   - Amit Prakash <https://www.iiitb.ac.in/faculty/amit-prakash>,
   IIIT-Bangalore (India)
   - Juliane Jarke
   University of Graz (Austria)
   - Helen Kennedy
   University of Sheffield (UK)
   - Jo Bates <https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/is/people/academic/jo-bates>,
   University of Sheffield (UK)
   - Tracey P. Lauriault <https://carleton.ca/sjc/profile/lauriault-tracey/>,
   Carleton University (Canada)

Helen Kennedy, Director, ESRC Digital Good Network
<https://digitalgood.net/>, @digitalgoodnet
Professor of Digital Society, @hmtk, Living With Data
<https://livingwithdata.org/>, she/her
Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences <https://acss.org.uk/>


Socially meaningful transparency in data-based systems: reflections and
proposals from practice
(2023, w/Jo Bates, Itzelle Medina Perea, Susan Oman, Lulu Pinney, *Journal
of Documentation*)

Generic visuals of Covid-19 in the news: Invoking banal belonging through
symbolic reiteration
w/Giorgia Aiello, Chris W Anderson, Camilla Mørk Røstvik, *I**nternational
Journal of Cultural Studies*.

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