[Air-L] CFP: Mobile communication and later life - from theories to empirical frescoes

Taipale, Sakari sakari.taipale at jyu.fi
Tue Nov 14 05:38:31 PST 2023

Call for papers for a special issue of  Mobile Media & Communication

Topic: Mobile communication and later life: from theories to empirical frescoes

Editors:  Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol and Sakari Taipale

Full call for paper available at https://journals.sagepub.com/pb-assets/cmscontent/mmc/Special%20Issue%20Proposal_%20Mobile%20communication%20and%20later%20life_%20from%20theories%20to%20empirical%20frescoes_06NOV2023-1699587686.pdf

Important dates:
Abstract submission date 15 Feb 2024
Acceptance /rejection feedback 01 Apr 2024
Authors submit full papers by 30 September 2024
Peer Reviews completed/resubmissions in March 2025
Final acceptance by 15 September 2025

In case of further questions, please contact the guest editors, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol (fernandezar at uoc.edu<mailto:fernandezar at uoc.edu>) and Sakari Taipale (sakari.taipale at jyu.fi<mailto:sakari.taipale at jyu.fi>).

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