[Air-L] Job: TT Assistant Prof. Faculty Position in Digital Media, focusing on humanities-based HCI

Wong, Richmond Y rwong34 at gatech.edu
Tue Nov 28 10:05:12 PST 2023

(Apologies for potential cross posting - the full ad can be viewed at https://tinyurl.com/GTDM2023<https://tinyurl.com/GTDM2023>)

TT Assistant Prof. Faculty Position in Digital Media

The School of Literature, Media, and Communication (LMC) at the Georgia Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Digital Media with a focus on humanities-based Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Applicants will be considered at the assistant professor level. We seek an interdisciplinary practitioner whose research explores humanities-based HCI. Preference will be given to candidates whose research relates to one or more of the following current areas of focus: Educational Technology, AI, STEM/STEAM Education, Media Arts, Civic Media, Critical Cultural Studies, Feminist or Queer Science and Technology Studies (STS), or Environmental Justice. Collaboration with faculty and students working in these and other related fields across the school and the institute is encouraged. Candidates are expected to demonstrate an exceptional commitment to the teaching and mentoring of students.

Job Responsibilities

The teaching load for this position is two courses per semester. Teaching responsibilities include courses at the undergraduate and graduate (MS and PhD) level that cover fundamental and specialized methods in HCI and associated areas, such as Information Design, Media Arts, Interaction Design, and Visual Design. The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to participate in the ongoing development of programs meant to prepare students for careers in interaction design, information design, UI/UX, experience design, and media arts, as well as cultural and critical approaches to digital culture.

As a member of LMC, the candidate will contribute to the above programs as well as the highly interdisciplinary and collaborative GVU Center and Institute for People and Technology (IPAT). The successful candidate will have access to shared laboratory and/or studio space associated with the Digital Media graduate programs, as well as other collective resources for research in the Technology Square Research Building. The hired faculty will be expected to establish a successful research trajectory, advise PhD and MS students, and contribute service to the school, college, university, and profession.

Application Requirements

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, a research statement, a statement on their teaching interests as well as their advising/mentoring philosophy, and the names and contact information for at least three references. Application materials should be submitted as .PDF files via this link<https://careers.hprod.onehcm.usg.edu/psp/careers/CAREERS/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=3000&JobOpeningId=265756&PostingSeq=1>. Requests for information may be directed to the search chair, Dr. Brian Magerko (magerko+DMhire at gatech.edu<mailto:magerko+DMhire at gatech.edu>). Applications will be considered beginning Dec. 15, 2023, but the search will continue until the positions are filled. An earned doctorate or related terminal degree is required by the start of the appointment, and a background check must be completed prior to beginning employment.

Richmond Y. Wong
Assistant Professor, Digital Media
School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Georgia Tech
Creating Ethics Infrastructures Lab<https://sites.gatech.edu/ethicsinfrastructures/>
Pronouns: he/him/his

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