[Air-L] Seminar "Artificial Intelligence, Disinformation, and Democracy" in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Victor Piaia piaia.victor at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 13:41:53 PST 2023

Dear colleagues,

I'm reaching out to promote the event "*Artificial Intelligence,
Disinformation, and Democracy*" featuring the presence of Ministers
Alexandre de Moraes (Supreme Federal Court - STF) and Luis Felipe Salomão
(Superior Court of Justice - STJ), among other guests.

The event is free and in-person, taking place on December 4th and 5th at
the FGV Cultural Center (Praia de Botafogo, 186, Botafogo) at 10:20AM.

To register: https://evento.fgv.br/intelingenciaartificial/

To watch live online (in Portuguese or English):

PT / P1 (10 AM) - https://youtube.com/live/qyvWGHkfWyg
PT / P2 (2 PM) - https://youtube.com/live/VxDlB_tYUD0
EN / P1 (10 AM) - https://youtube.com/live/IXom6yPmxRE
EN / P2 (2 PM) - https://youtube.com/live/40Z8MbSDiyQ

*Ministers Alexandre de Moraes and Luis Felipe Salomão participate in a
seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Disinformation, and Democracy at FGV*

The event is organized by the School of Communication, Media, and
Information of FGV (FGV ECMI), Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), and FGV
Conhecimento, in partnership with Democracy Reporting International (DRI)
and Agência Lupa.

Supreme Federal Court (STF) Justice Alexandre de Moraes will participate in
the event "Artificial Intelligence, Disinformation, and Democracy," taking
place at the Cultural Center of Fundação Getulio Vargas in Botafogo on
December 4th and 5th. He will be part of the panel "AI and Challenges to
Democracy in Brazil," taking place on the first day at 10:45 AM, moderated
by journalist Leila Sterenberg.

Luis Felipe Salomão, Justice of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ),
Rodrigo Maia, former President of the Chamber of Deputies and current
President of the National Confederation of Financial Institutions, and Jean
Lima, President of EBC, are also on the agenda. The European Union
Ambassador, Marian Schuegraf, and Alessandro Moretti, Deputy Director of
Abin (Brazilian Intelligence Agency), will also be part of the event.

The event is organized by the School of Communication, Media, and
Information of FGV (FGV ECMI), Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), and FGV
Conhecimento, in partnership with Democracy Reporting International (DRI),
FGV Direito Rio, and Lupa. The event is free, with simultaneous
translation, but has limited spots.

Best regards,

Victor Piaia

Professor | *Professor*

Escola de Comunicação, Mídia e Informação

*School of Communication, Media and Information*

Fundação Getulio Vargas

+55 (21) 3799 6237 | ecmi.fgv.br

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