[Air-L] CfP, Special Issue, AI and Sovereignty

Rafael Do Nascimento Grohmann rafael.grohmann at utoronto.ca
Fri Jul 5 08:11:09 PDT 2024


Liinc em Revista - a Brazilian, open access and trilingual journal (English, Spanish and Portuguese), announces call for papers for a special issue on AI and Sovereignty.

Call for Papers, Special Issue, AI and Sovereignty
Guest editors: Marco Schneider, Sergio Amadeu and Rafael Grohmann

This special issue of LIINC em Revista journal will address the intersection between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and sovereignty, exploring how the various dimensions of sovereignty are impacted and redefined by AI, and how AI brings new challenges and implications for sovereignty. The special issue aims to address the various perspectives of sovereignty, understood here in its multiple dimensions – national, political, epistemological, technological, digital, data – and its new contours in this scenario of advancement of artificial intelligence, raising crucial questions about control, autonomy and power.
AI, as a political, social and technological object, involves the creation, mediation and appropriation of systems and data, profoundly affecting models of governance, technological autonomy and epistemological independence. In a context where AI becomes ubiquitous in spaces of colonized sociality and impacts territories of resistance, there are tensions and challenges related to sovereignty in the diverse spheres, involving States, individuals and social movements, with profound implications for global governance, economy and human rights.
The special issue "AI and Sovereignty" announces call for papers with a special focus on the following topics:
- National Sovereignty and Artificial Intelligence: How is the adoption of AI by nation-states influencing their autonomy and control over technologies?
- National Sovereignty, Artificial Intelligence and the Democratic Rule of Law: How is the constitutional foundation of countries being undermined by the lack of regulation of digital platforms and AI?
- Political Sovereignty and AI Governance: What are the challenges and opportunities for democratic governance in a world increasingly dominated by AI technologies?
- Epistemological Sovereignty and AI: How is AI redefining the production and validation of knowledge, and how does this affect different epistemic communities?
- Technological Sovereignty and Digital Governance: How can nations achieve technological sovereignty in a scenario dominated by global Big Tech companies?
- Data Sovereignty, Privacy and Democracy: What are the implications of massive data collection by AI systems for individual and collective sovereignty?
- Digital Sovereignty, AI and Human Rights: How is AI impacting digital rights and freedom of expression in the context of digital sovereignty?
- AI and Economic Sovereignty: What impacts is AI having on local and global economies, and how does this affect the economic sovereignty of states?
- AI, Sovereignty and Culture: How is AI influencing the preservation and promotion of local and indigenous cultures, and how does this relate to cultural sovereignty?
- Sovereignty, AI and Education: What are the implications of training models applied in Education and their biases organized by Big Tech companies based on the experiences of rich countries?
- Sovereignty, AI and Religions: How are AI configurations impacting diversity, tolerance and freedom of belief and the sovereignty of national, regional and local rights of religious expression in its plurality of gestures, rituals and beliefs?
- Sovereignty, AI and the Anthropocene: How has environmental disinformation been promoting imbalance in social relations and causing disasters in the sovereign governance of the environment in educational, cultural, epistemological, economic, technological, legal and political dimensions? How are the environmental impacts of AI related to sovereignty?
- Sovereignty, AI and Social Movements: How have social movements demanded technological sovereignty and AI governance from communities points of view? What does popular digital sovereignty mean?
- Sovereignty, Dependency and AI: How can global data production - including the role of human labor - intensify the growing dependency - and lack of sovereignty - of countries in the Global South?
- Sovereignty, AI and Labor: How have working people demanded technological sovereignty from technologies governed by the working class? What does this sovereignty mean and how does it relate to autonomy?
- Discourses on Sovereignty and AI: The word sovereignty is multifaceted and can have different meanings, with different ideological positions. What are the current discourses on sovereignty and AI? What paths do they point to?
- Sovereignty, AI and Disinformation: Crossing all other topics, in what ways does the use of AI in disinformation practices compromise the educational, cultural, epistemological, economic, technological, legal and political sovereignty of nations?
 This journal invites researchers to submit articles that address these issues from a critical and interdisciplinary perspective, contributing to a deeper understanding of the complex relationships between artificial intelligence and sovereignty.
July 31, 2024: abstract submission (250-400 words). Send this abstract to liinc at ibict.br
September 20, 2024: full article submission



dr. Rafael Grohmann

Assistant Professor of Media Studies

Department of Arts, Culture and Media<https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/acm/rafael-grohmann>

Faculty of Information<https://ischool.utoronto.ca/profile/rafael-grohmann/>

University of Toronto

Leader, DigiLabour<https://digilabour.com.br/>

Founding Editor, Platforms & Society<https://journals.sagepub.com/home/PNS>

Principal Investigator, Worker-Owned Intersectional Platforms (WOIP)<https://digilabour.com.br/worker-owned-intersectional-platforms-woip/>

Researcher, Fairwork<https://fair.work/> <https://fair.work/>

International Experts Coordinator, Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab<https://pwill.eu/>

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