[Air-L] Invitation to participate in a Short Survey on AI and Sci-Fi

philippj at hawaii.edu philippj at hawaii.edu
Wed Jul 10 21:40:53 PDT 2024

Dear AoIR Members,

We are conducting a very brief survey on the perception of AI via science
fiction, and real-world applications. Your participation matters and we are
very grateful for your time and we value your opinion and experience. If you
have a few minutes available in your busy lives, please take the survey




Note: If you don't have the time to take the survey, it'd be similarly
awesome if you could snowball it via your networks. See the attached
invitation/recruitment poster and feel free to use it. Whether you decide to
take the survey or share it with others, I want to thank you for helping us

Phil Jordan, Ph.D. (PI)

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