[Air-L] CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Applications for Margaret Baker Graham Research Grant (doctoral research grant)

Stephen Carradini Stephen.Carradini at asu.edu
Thu Jun 6 11:11:42 PDT 2024

Hi all,

I am happy to announce that applications are open for our small doctoral research grant. The committee takes a wide view of business communication, and we have in previous years focused on digital aspects of business communication. I would encourage those working in digital economies to apply.

Stephen Carradini


The Association for Business Communication is currently accepting applications for the Margaret Baker Graham Research Grant. The $500 grant will be awarded at this year’s ABC International Conference (https://www.businesscommunication.org/p/cm/ld/fid=1707), which will be held October 16–19 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

If you are a doctoral student entering the research phase of your program, we encourage you to apply for this award. Preference will be given to those individuals who demonstrate a need for financial support during the late stages of their doctoral programs.

If you wish to apply for this grant, please review the eligibility criteria and application procedures (https://www.businesscommunication.org/page/graham) described on the ABC website. Complete applications must be submitted through the form available on the ABC website (https://www.businesscommunication.org/p/su/rd/survey=8af374ff-90d5-11ea-acaa-bc764e10aa76) by 5:00 a.m. EDT on June 28.

If you have questions, please direct them to Matt Baker (mattbaker at byu.edu), the Graduate Studies Committee Chair. We look forward to continuing Dr. Graham’s legacy of support for graduate students.


Dr. Stephen Carradini (he, him, his)
Assistant Professor, Technical Communication
School of Applied Professional Studies
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Arizona State University
7271 E. Sonoran Arroyo Mall, 251F
Mesa, AZ 85212-2780

phone: 480-727-3687<tel:480-727-3687>
email: stephen.carradini at asu.edu<mailto:stephen.carradini at asu.edu>
web: https://stephencarradini.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/stephencarradini.com__;!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!rfehA44fFGLAQalBGRh8aIHjogBqWiaqZIuzYgZgR8yupxeJqb-mFpx-Z5aFMAqvW8Kur86fboBIgFf4REqknw$>


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