[Air-L] Sign Up for DiGRA 2024 Workshop: Leveling the Playing Grounds

Gerald Voorhees dr.g.voorhees at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 16:00:52 PDT 2024

Online and in-person attendees of DiGRA 2024 are invited to register for
the workshop
"Toward Leveling the Playing Grounds: Anti-Racism, Decolonization, Equity,
Diversity, and Inclusion (ADE) for Games Research and Creation," taking
place on 1 July 2024, 11 AM - 5 PM (Central Time Zone).

This workshop, led by professors Gerald Voorhees and Kishonna Gray,
synthesizes insights from leading voices in games research and/or creation
to help games researchers, educators, makers, and students adopt
equity-oriented principles and practices. Participants should come to the
workshop with an ongoing or upcoming project in mind and leave with an plan
to embed anti-racism, decolonization, and equity, diversity, and inclusion
(ADE) into the research questions, execution of project (including
methodologies and organization of the lab or team), and knowledge
dissemination strategy.

This 4 hour workshop will feature seminar style presentations, large group
discussion, and small group discussion. Participants will hear brief
reports on A. established, emerging, and overlooked lines of ADE-oriented
inquiry in games scholarship, B. research and scholarship on white,
heteropatriarchal presumptions and biases in games and play research, and
C. best practices and new avenues for embedding ADE values and practices in
research. Participants will also engage in discussion facilitated by
workshop leaders A. about how ADE is and/or is not taken up in their
subfields and the disciplines in which they were trained, B. to
collaboratively develop and generate feedback on select sample ADE plans,
and C. in breakout groups to create ADE plans for each participant before
reporting their plans to the large group for further feedback from other
participants and workshop leaders.

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