[Air-L] Open-access introductory social media textbook

Nathan Schneider Nathan.Schneider at Colorado.EDU
Fri Jun 21 06:39:41 PDT 2024

AOIR friends,

Some of you may be interested in the latest edition of Humans R Social Media<https://opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/humansrsocialmedia/>, a free/open-access textbook that I have used for several years in my large Intro to Social Media<https://nathanschneider.info/school/introduction_to_social_media> course at CU Boulder. My students have really appreciated its clarity, concision, and inclusion of students voices throughout. The textbook was created and continues to be led by Diana Daly at the University of Arizona.

My lab, with a grant from the state of Colorado, has worked with Diana over the past year to develop a collaborative governance model for the textbook, with the goal of building a community of adopters who can also help keep it up to date, given the rapidly changing topic. More on that to come, but the new edition includes an invitation<https://opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/humansrsocialmedia/back-matter/help-shape-the-future-of-this-textbook/> to participate in co-creating the future of the project. I've been piloting this myself, including by contributing a new chapter on "Regulation<https://opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/humansrsocialmedia/chapter/regulation/>."

Please consider exploring the new edition here<https://opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/humansrsocialmedia/>.

Nathan Schneider (he/him)
Assistant Professor, Media Studies
University of Colorado Boulder

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