[Air-L] DIS workshop call: Creative Robotics Theatre (deadline extended)

Joana Chicau j.chicau at arts.ac.uk
Tue May 7 00:00:00 PDT 2024

Join us at DIS 2024<https://dis.acm.org/2024/> for an innovative workshop exploring the confluence of robotics, theatre, and societal change. We are seeking artists, technologists, researchers, and practitioners interested in pushing the boundaries of Creative Robotics Theatre to enhance societal well-being and address global challenges. More info: https://www.arts.ac.uk/creative-computing-institute/research/creative-xr-and-robotics-hub/creative-robotics-theatre

Submission guidelines

We invite submissions that explore the integration of robotics in performing arts and its impact on society. Contributions can include but are not limited to, theoretical papers and pictorials, tech-theatre design explorations, case studies, co-design and participatory methodologies co-design and participatory methodologies and proposals for interactive demonstrations or performances. Submissions should highlight innovative approaches to robotic design and the role of technology in theatre and societal engagement.

  *   Abstracts: 300-500 words outlining your contribution, accompanied by up to 3 images or video links.
  *   Format: PDF, following the DIS 2024 submission format.
  *   Submission: email h.samani at arts.ac.uk  with title Creative Robotics Theatre workshop, DIS 2024
  *   Deadline: All submissions will undergo a peer-review process, with selected contributions invited for presentation at the workshop.

Submission deadline: 27 May 2024 (extended)

Joana Chicau
s/her / ela

associate lecturer (FHEA)
designer, researcher, performer

University of the Arts London
Creative Computing Institute

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