[Air-L] Reminder: Digital Methods Summer School at the University of Manchester, UK, this July

Lukasz Szulc lukasz.szulc at manchester.ac.uk
Thu May 23 02:32:06 PDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to participate in the Digital Methods Summer School which we organize at the University of Manchester in the UK between 1st and 5th July 2024 (in person only).

It is an introductory course for anyone who would like to explore the benefits and limitations of innovative digital tools for analyzing a diverse range of data in humanities and social sciences. The participants will learn about mobile, geospatial and operational methods, algorithmic ethnography, text mining and data visualization, and they will reflect on pressing ethical questions arising when employing digital methods.

For more information, please visit: https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/PwU96KcXSNB3l or email me at lukasz.szulc at manchester.ac.uk<mailto:lukasz.szulc at manchester.ac.uk>

You can book a place through this page: https://estore.manchester.ac.uk/short-courses/methodsmanchester/methodsmanchester-summer-school/digital-methods

Very best,

Dr Łukasz Szulc<https://research.manchester.ac.uk/en/persons/%C5%82ukasz-szulc> (he/him)

Senior Lecturer in Digital Media and Culture

School of Arts, Languages and Cultures

University of Manchester



(2023) Culture is transnational. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/13678779221131349

(2022) Uncanny Europe and Protective Europeanness: When European Identity Becomes a Queerly Viable Option. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00380385211024117

(2022) A Lot of Straddling and Squirming: Taking Queer Migrant Stories beyond the Academic and Digital Walls. https://academic.oup.com/ccc/article/15/2/276/6556263

(2020) Digital Gender Disidentifications: Beyond the Subversion Versus Hegemony Dichotomy and Toward Everyday Gender Practices. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/15396

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