[Air-L] CfP Digital Ethnography in Post-Pandemic Times: Reflections, Implications, and Innovations

Monika Palmberger monika.palmberger at univie.ac.at
Sun May 26 23:51:18 PDT 2024

----- CFP Deadline: June 1, 2024 -----

Dear colleagues,

We warmly invite you to submit a paper to our panel Digital Ethnography in Post-Pandemic Times: Reflections, Implications, and Innovations at the Vienna Anthropology Days (VANDA2024), Sept. 23 – Sept. 26, 2024. 

CfP: Digital Ethnography in Post-Pandemic Times: Reflections, Implications, and Innovations

Conveners: Suzana Jovicic, Philipp Budka, Monika Palmberger

Since the COVID-19 pandemic has revitalised and boosted interest in digital ethnography, the question arises as to what remains in its aftermath. Has digital ethnography entered the mainstream, and the digital merged with ethnographic research in an obviously profoundly digitised and digitalised world? Or has it disappeared back into the fringes, unphased by the short-lived interest? What do we actually mean when we talk about digital ethnography: online, remote, post-digital and should we discard these terms altogether? What methodological and ethical insights, movements, setbacks, reflections, innovations and (inter)disciplinary cross-references have emerged in the wake of global developments that have forced ethnographers to rethink their research in unprecedented ways? In this panel organised by the Digital Ethnography Initiative (DEI), we explore the state of digital ethnography (defined as ethnographic research with and through the “digital” and not limited to remote/online) as it emerges from turbulent but perhaps also fruitful times. We invite a wide range of contributions discussing methodological issues, conundrums, dilemmas, twists and turns of contemporary digital ethnography, based on original research. The contributors will be invited to subsequently write a short blog entry for the DEI blog, based on the papers presented at the panel.

Please submit an abstract (with a maximum of 300 words) until June 1st, 2024 via the conference website. If you have any questions regarding the panel, please contact us at info at digitalethnography.at. 

For more information on the Digital Ethnography Initiative, please visit https://digitalethnography.at and for conference registration VANDA homepage. 

Best wishes, 
Monika, Philipp and Suzana


Dr. Monika Palmberger



Latest publications


Migrants and New Media: Digital Ethnography, Transnationalism, and Superdiversity. In The Oxford Handbook of Superdiversity. 2023.


Refugees enacting (digital) citizenship through placemaking and care practices near and far. In Citizenship Studies. 2022.


Doing Research at Online and Offline Intersections: Bringing Together Digital and Mobile Methodologies (with Katja Kaufmann). In Media and Communication. 2022.


Narratives of Transnational Placemaking. Exploring Migrant Workers’ Hidden Histories through Memory-Guided City Walks. In Narrative Culture. 2022.


The Nexus of Anthropology and Narrative: Ethnographic Encounters with Storytelling Practices (with Barbara Götsch). In Narrative Culture. 2022. 


Special issues

Across mobile online and offline spaces: Reflections on methods, practices, and ethics (with Katja Kaufmann). In Media and Communication, 2022. 

‘Let me tell you a story‘: anthropological encounters with narrative (with Barbara Götsch). In Narrative Culture, 2022.


Care across Distance: Ethnographic Explorations of Aging and Migration (with Azra Hromadzic), Berghahn (Paperback) 2022. 


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