[Air-L] S.I. Methods in Visual Politics & Protest: deconstruction, reflexivity & femmix

Özkula Suay suaymelisa.oezkula at plus.ac.at
Mon May 27 02:19:44 PDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

For those of you who might be interested:
We are delighted to announce the publication of our Special Issue on "Methods in Visual Politics and Protest: deconstruction, reflexivity & femmix" in the Journal of Digital Social Research<https://www.jdsr.io/>, available here<https://www.jdsr.io/vol-6-no-2-2024>. This is the second of a double-special-issue on methods in visual politics and protest. We are very fortunate to have such a great group of authors with diverse foci.

This second issue includes the following papers:

(Intro to) Special Issue on Methods in Visual Politics and Protest: Deconstruction, Reflexivity & femmix.
By Suay Melisa Özkula, Hadas Schlussel, Tom Divon, & Danka Ninković Slavnić

Get the hammer out! Breaking computational tools for feminist, intersectional “small data” research
 By Radhika Gajjala, Ololade Faniyi, Debipreeta Rahut, Emily Edwards, & Sarah Ford

Dwelling as Method: Lingering in/with Feminist Curated Data Sets on Instagram.
By Brianna Wiens & Shana MacDonald

Researching visual protest and politics with “extra-hard” data
By Suay Melisa Özkula, Janna Joceli Omena, & Radhika Gajjala

Understanding climate-related visual storytelling on TikTok: A cross-national multimodal analysis
By Jing Zeng & Xiaoyue Yan

Exploring leadership on Instagram: A visual model for online leadership analysis
By Michele Martini

Best wishes,
Suay, Tom, Danka, & Hadas

[I support fair work & do not expect colleagues to read or respond to emails after-hours, during weekends, outside of their part-time allocation, or during strike periods]

Dr. Suay Melisa Özkula

Post-doctoral Researcher

Abtlg. Center for ICT&S
Fachbereich Kommunikationswissenschaft
Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg
Sigmund Haffner Gasse 18 | 5020 Salzburg | Österreich/Austria


Recent work:

MSCA project "DIGI-EMP"<https://www.sis.unitn.it/2753/international-experiences-of-digital-empowerment-in-a-climate-justice-frame>


Recent works:

Özkula, S. M., Omena, J. J., & Gajjala, R. (2024). Researching visual protest and politics with “extra-hard” data. JDSR. https://doi.org/10.33621/jdsr.v6i2.214

Özkula, S. M., Schlussel, H., Divon, T., & Ninković Slavnić, D. (2024). Special Issue on Methods in Visual Politics and Protest: Deconstruction, Reflexivity & femmix. JDSR. https://doi.org/10.33621/jdsr.v6i2.278

Özkula, S. M., Divon, T., Schlussel, H., & Ninković Slavnić, D. (2024). Special Issue on Methods in Visual Politics and Protest: mixed methods, data curation & anti-publics. JDSR.  https://doi.org/10.33621/jdsr.v6i1.254

Özkula, S. M. , Prieto-Blanco, P., Tan, X., & Mdege, N. (2024) Affordances and platformed visual misogyny: a call for feminist approaches in visual methods. FMS. https://doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2024.2311355

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