[Air-L] Search Engine Research / RAT Community Meeting 2024

Lewandowski, Dirk Dirk.Lewandowski at haw-hamburg.de
Mon Sep 2 01:51:45 PDT 2024

We invite all researchers interested in search engine data analysis to the next RAT Community Meeting!

The RAT Community Meeting series brings together researchers interested in collecting and analyzing search engine data. The interactive meeting provides information on new features of the RAT software, hands-on tutorials explaining how to use RAT for your research projects, showcase presentations covering search engine studies from areas such as health and politics, an interactive poster session, and lots of room for discussion and networking during breaks and at the conference dinner.

When? Friday, 27th September 2024, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. (+ conference dinner)
Where? Hamburg, Germany
Please note that this is an in-person event which will not be streamed.

The full agenda can be found here: http://rat2024.eventbrite.de/

The Result Assessment Tool (RAT) is a modular and flexible research software that allows the design and conduct of studies using search engine data. With RAT, researchers can easily define a list of queries. The tool then automatically queries selected search engines, collects the results, and presents them in a structured format for further processing. RAT efficiently collects result URLs, full text, and screenshots. In research studies, researchers run automatic analysis and classification or let jurors evaluate results on whatever criteria they are interested in. RAT is free to use through a web interface. It is fully open source, so researchers can run their installations or modify the software to fit their needs.
More information on the RAT software can be found here: https://searchstudies.org/rat


Prof. Dr. Dirk Lewandowski

Interim professor (Data Science), University of Duisburg-Essen
Professor (Information Research & Information Retrieval), Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

T +49 40 428 75-3621
dirk.lewandowski at haw-hamburg.de

Fakultät Design, Media und Information
Department of Information, Media and Communication
Finkenau 35  / 22081 Hamburg  / Germany


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