[Assam] Refinery pollution

mc mahant mikemahant at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 3 18:11:34 PDT 2007

<it looks like India is full of idiots>
You decide on that!

Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 12:29:02 -0600From: assamrs at gmail.comTo: mikemahant at hotmail.comSubject: Re: [Assam] Refinery pollutionCC: dilipdeka at yahoo.com; assam at assamnet.org
Mukul da,
>But he is typical of Indian Non-Expertize.
Don't know anything about RK Pachauri. But what is a typical "Indian Non-Expertize"?
Does that include us NRAs/NRIs - after all, most of us did come from a Gauhati/Dibrugarh Medical College, IIT, IIM, Cotton/GU, or schools named after saints.
And what about all those in India itself - that produce, desgn aircrafts, trains, other machinery etc. T
And does that EXCLUDE select people from Assam?
Frankly, the way you sound, it looks like India is full of idiots! :)
On 7/3/07, mc mahant <mikemahant at hotmail.com> wrote: 

<Who is TERI by the way>The man with a wise-looking Beard- R.K.Pachauri.Also became (or is)UN's  Green-house gas task-force Chief(India got a chance to put its man ). But he is typical of Indian Non-Expertize. We have no such PULL to demand result. Let us give them a long rope-will tear anyway!mm

Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 10:57:04 -0700From: dilipdeka at yahoo.comSubject: Re: [Assam] Refinery pollution To: mikemahant at hotmail.comCC: sroy at mail.smu.edu; assam at assamnet.org 

" We were told that Delhi's Consultant TERI did not think our system will work--and they have their own." -  It is hard for me to understand how you could give up so easily, knowing you. If you have repeatable performace results of your invention and they are better than the competitors', you win on the technical side. If your price is better or equal to the other guy you win on the commercial side. Another caveat normally is "Proven Technology". If yours is not a proven technology, can't you challenge Assam Govt. to let you install one of your units on a pilot run? Or is it that they will not talk to you unless you are in the good old boys' network? 
Who is TERI by the way? Are they offering a proven technology from an international pollution reduction company? Surface pollution in oil fields and refineries has been greatly reduced in USA by using proven standard technology but electro endosmosis process is not a front runner. 
mc mahant <mikemahant at hotmail.com> wrote:

I am sure the damage is far more then extinction of local species .You are Right. There is no more  fish/turtle/porpoise(Xihoo) left  in the main stream of the Brahmaputra all the way to sea  due to following : 
·         One drop of Oily waste spreads to an invisible film spreading 1km.sq.blocking all Oxygen.
·         Digboi, Dulijan, Oilfields drilling wastes ,refineries , papermills   - totally disgorge daily 1000 m.cu.(Ton) if not more. That is = 10,000,000,000,000 drops>  will film up that many km.sq ( many times all Brahmaputra) to make Planktons survive in all Brahmaputra   IMPOSSIBLE without Oxygen-thus blocked . No Plankton-No fish-No Xihoo-simply.
·         We are not yet considering the open Sewer that is Bharaloo,Bhogdoi,Bhareli. These carry Chemicals apart from fecals 
One has to seriously look at the nature of effluents, the stock emitted over the last few decades and their long term impact .  Who Will? The Govt . Pollution Control Board Chief only collects Crores of Hush-Money from these culprits.
The state ought to institute an official scientific study(ALL ARE IN THE Hush Hush payroll!!) immediately, calculate damages, impose a heavy pollution tax with retrospective effect on these refineries and use this for abatement of the stock of pulltants to the extent feasible (I am not sure how much can be done). Yours Truly+ some concerned Techies Demonstrated Free To  authorities at  Digboi,Duliajan, Jagiroad,Noonmati how to totally remove all Oily discharge to open Bodies-in 2004-2005. After Demonstrating Free we wanted orders . We were told that Delhi's Consultant TERI did not think our system will work--and they have their own. They executed--but it became worse. Now TERI has been given all help by Assam Govt like to IIT Etc to setup shop in Assam and Direct all future measures --like Yamuna( Non )Cleanup in Delhi.Also, individual citizen groups could file public interest law suits seeking compensation from these public sector giants. ( I tried inducing the leading NGO Aranyak-kept quiet. No money there)  If the federal government ( India ain't no Federal)  is unwilling to pay up with retrospective effect, the state could use this (Dare Not) outstanding dues to central government owned PSUs such as the electricity generating units.Of course, considering the meagre royalties that are paid to the state for the crude itself, it is foolhardy to hope for anything at all. 
Thanks for Spelling out 1 small reason why we need to be Sovereign-to save Assam/ To save India .
mmSantanu. > > santanu roy said: > > > From BBC:> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/6220892.stm > > i was talking to someone in guwahati this weekend, and> he mentioned that some species of fish have> disappeared due to pollution.> > x> > > ____________________________________________________________________________________ > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel and lay it on us. http://surveylink.yahoo.com/gmrs/yahoo_panel_invite.asp?a=7 > > > > _______________________________________________> assam mailing list> assam at assamnet.org> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org 

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