[Assam] Harvard's Strange energy & Singer Prize vs IIT, TJ - skewed Jay's rankings

umesh sharma jaipurschool at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 19 22:55:15 PDT 2007

what is this stuff - it is the stuff which TJ High School's students focus on -- all have to study something called Geosystems -on astronomy -- which all 12 th graders have to take -a level higher than high school physics .

Surprisngly TJ's name is missing from the list of top schools compiled by Jay Mathews of Washington Post in 2005 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/education/challenge/2005/challengeindex05.html - later posted on Newsweek: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7761678/site/newsweek/

And that is when there is clamor to get into TJ (2 lecels of entrance exams) - and those who cannot get into it are then taken by other area high schools - whose names are mentioned in that list.

Singer Prize for teachers who inspired Harvard undergrad (Bachelors) students has been started this year - IITs could do the same??


Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)

www.gse.harvard.edu/iep  (where the above 2 are used )

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