[Assam] Harvard MBA Newsletter: Indian Politician/Bureaucrat incentive systemWalking Away From a $3 Billion Deal

umesh sharma jaipurschool at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 25 20:42:25 PDT 2008

Working paper: Traveling Agents: Political Change and Bureaucratic Turnover in India

Download the PDF.
Politicians and bureaucrats are two important pillars of governance,
but while politicians are motivated by short-term electoral pressures,
bureaucrats are driven by long-term career concerns. Professors Iyer
and Mani address two key questions in this paper: How do politicians
facing short-term electoral pressures control bureaucrats with
low-powered incentives? In turn, how do bureaucrats respond to these

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy

Harvard Graduate School of Education,

Harvard University,

Class of 2005

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--- On Mon, 25/8/08, HBS Working Knowledge <workingknowledge at hbs.edu> wrote:
From: HBS Working Knowledge <workingknowledge at hbs.edu>
Subject: Newsletter: Walking Away From a $3 Billion Deal
To: jaipurschool at YAHOO.COM
Date: Monday, 25 August, 2008, 10:33 AM

HBS Working Knowledge Newsletter



Highlights this Week

Walking Away From a $3 Billion Deal
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Working paper: Political Change and Bureaucratic Turnover in India
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The Time is Right for Creative Capitalism

Bill Gates has it right. Business is the most powerful force for change in the world right now and gives the idea of creative capitalism real power, writes Harvard Business School professor Nancy F. Koehn.

Working paper: Traveling Agents: Political Change and Bureaucratic Turnover in India

Download the PDF. Politicians and bureaucrats are two important pillars of governance, but while politicians are motivated by short-term electoral pressures, bureaucrats are driven by long-term career concerns. Professors Iyer and Mani address two key questions in this paper: How do politicians facing short-term electoral pressures control bureaucrats with low-powered incentives? In turn, how do bureaucrats respond to these incentives?

What Do You Think? Has the Time Come for "Stretch" in Management?

Online forum OPEN until August 27. The leadership of General Electric introduced the management concept of "stretch"—setting seemingly impossible goals—in the 1990s, writes HBS professor Jim Heskett. Does stretch still make sense as an organizing principle? What, if anything, should be done to ensure that stretch is allowed to flourish in companies today?

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