[Assam] Dhemajir Batori inaugurated(The Assam Tribune , Thursday, August 28, 2008 )

Buljit Buragohain buluassam at yahoo.co.in
Wed Aug 27 17:48:48 PDT 2008

Dhemajir Batori inaugurated
 DHEMAJI, Aug 27 – A fortnightly newspaper in the name and style of Dhemajir Batori was inaugurated recently by Lalit Chutia, president, Dhemaji Zila Sahitya Sabha at Dhemaji Sahitya Sabha Bhawan. On the occasion, an inaugural ceremony was held under the presidentship of Naren Gohain, ex-president, Dhemaji Bar Association. Bimal Rajkhowa, secretary, Small & Medium Newspaper Federation, Dhemaji District Unit, litterataur Bagen Gogoi, Debeswr Boruah, Ghana Saikia, Chittaranjan Basumatary, general secretary, Dhemaji district unit, AASU, Ratul Borgohain, Pabitra Mili and others gave speeches on the occasion. Umesh Chetia, chief editor explained the aims and objectives of the function, while Bandana Hazarika Dutta, editor of the newspaper offered vote of thanks.

(The Assam Tribune ,Thursday, August 28, 2008 )

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