[Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers

jeremy hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Thu Sep 25 13:19:42 PDT 2003

Over on Tribe.net, the head of this area at IBM gave me these urls in 
response to my enquiry about the grid
http:// www.gridforum.org
http:// www.gridcomputingplanet.com
http:// http://www.teragrid.org/about/index.html

others might find them useful to explore some of the research and 
projects underway

> I'm not convinced that "grid computing" is anything more than a word 
> that
> people toss off to describe a set of paradigmatic assumptions - i've 
> heard
> it used in several radically different ways by people doing 
> computational
> work in different source domains.

I'm not sure either, but I think there are possibilities of categorical 
difference when you start talking about terascale grids.  The raw 
computational power starts to sound like the computers in greg egan 
> elijah
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Jeremy Hunsinger
Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
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