[Air-l] Do intranets reduce F2F interactions in organizations?

Nancy Baym nbaym at ku.edu
Tue Feb 3 19:18:30 PST 2004

There is a chapter in Wellman and 
Haythornthwaite's _The Internet in Everyday Life_ 
by Copher in which she had people in an 
organization keep communication diaries. She 
found that those who used CMC more at work 
communicated MORE face-to-face and on the 
telephone with their co-workers. This included 
interpersonal communication as well as strictly 
task oriented.


>Sorry for such a determinist formulation, but it 
>sums up the research question some of my 
>students are interested in, in the framework of 
>my course "ICT and human relationships". More 
>precisely, the question is wether there is a 
>correlation between the increase of CMC in the 
>workplace, and a decrease of interpersonal, face 
>to face communications between co-workers 
>(resulting in a discomfort for employees).
>I have browsed litterature on Internet uses in 
>organizational settings, and failed to find 
>anything about "socio-emotional aspects" of 
>organizational communication.
>Any insight would be welcome,
>Groupe de recherche sur les usages et cultures médiatiques (GRM)
>Université du Québec à Montréal, Département des communications
>C.P. 8888, Succ. C-V, Canada H3C 3P8 -Tél.: +1 514 987-3000, 3211#
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Nancy Baym	http://www.ku.edu/home/nbaym
Communication Studies, University of Kansas
Bailey Hall, 1440 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 102, Lawrence, KS 66045-7574, USA
Association of Internet Researchers: http://aoir.org

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