[Air-L] ‘World Internet Policy Project (WIP2) Workshop' ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal (6 July 2010) Call for papers

gustavo cardoso gustavo.cardoso at iscte.pt
Wed Apr 14 03:23:49 PDT 2010

Dear all,

If you have interest in joining us in Lisbon, feel free to contact me.


Gustavo Cardoso

‘World Internet Policy Project (WIP2) Workshop*'
**ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal (6 July 2010)


Call for papers*

The increasing centrality of the Internet has made it the focus of policy
and regulatory initiatives around the world. Members of the World Internet
Project are building on their collaborative network to identify and track
key policy developments around the world in ways that can capture trends and
better inform debate aimed at avoiding the over- or under-regulation of one
of the most important information and communication technology developments
of the digital age.

This workshop in Lisbon will be the first organized around the World
Internet Policy Project (WIP2), and will be linked to the annual World
Internet Project meetings that will follow immediately after the workshop.
The organizers of the workshop invite abstracts of papers or presentations
from among but also beyond the WIP membership, who wish to participate in
this first workshop. Proposed papers or presentations would be welcomed on
such topics as:

-         freedom of expression

-         privacy and data protection

-         copyright and intellectual property

Organizers include:

Gustavo Cardoso, LINI – Lisbon Internet and Networks Institute

William Dutton, Oxford Internet Institute

Jeffrey Cole, Centre for the Digital Future (USC)

*Submissions of abstracts are to be done via email to vera.araujo at obercom.pt

On one page (in English):

1.     Provide the working title of the paper
2.     Include your name, organizational affiliation with location,
and e-mail address

3.     Short biographical sketch of each author/presenter

On a second page (in English):

1.     Working title of the paper
2.     Abstract (maximum length is 600 words)

All submissions will be peer reviewed as the basis for acceptance. Reviewers
will assess the proposals using the following criteria:

1.     Relevance to conference theme and topics
2.     Conceptual/analytic quality

3.     Comparative and empirical research is highly desired


Abstract Submission: May 16th 2010

Notification of Acceptance: May 31th 2010

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