[Air-L] Fwd: Please complete survey on cataloging/describing of archival sound recordings

Meryl Krieger meryl.krieger at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 16:58:48 PDT 2010

Passing this on as some of you might fall into either the
archivist/librarian or researcher groups - consider filling out this survey
with thanks!


Apologies for cross-postings.

The DACS for Archival Sound Recordings Subcommittee of the Association
for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) is exploring current standards
and guidelines used in the description of archival sound recordings
with the ultimate goal of generating a new set of guidelines that will
specifically address the challenges and issues faced by archivists and
librarians responsible for cataloging or otherwise describing these

The subcommittee is conducting a survey of the problems and
uncertainties currently encountered while applying existing standards
and guidelines. Your participation in the survey will help the
subcommittee determine the best way of shaping the new guidelines in a
manner that fully addresses user needs without duplicating previous
efforts by other organizations. Two surveys are available: one for
providers of descriptive information about archival sound recordings
(such as archivists and librarians) and the other for researchers who
study, collect, and otherwise use sound recordings. Please complete
one of the surveys (or both, if your activities cover both areas).
Your knowledge, experience, and opinions are important. The survey
should take 10-15 minutes to complete, depending on how much detail
you wish to provide in your answers.

Please complete the survey by May 12, 2010. Although surveys will be
accepted after this date, the committee will be discussing the
preliminary results during the annual ARSC meeting (May 19-22).
Questions and comments about the surveys may be emailed to:
rlsewald at gmail.com.

To take a survey, click on one (or both) of the links below:

For archivists, librarians, etc.:


For researchers:


Thank you very much.

DACS for Archival Sound Recordings Subcommittee (ARSC Cataloging

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J. Meryl Krieger
Ph.D., Folklore & Ethnomusicology
Lab Consultant, Teaching and Learning Technology Center, Indiana University
Adjunct Instructor, Communications and Life Skills, Ivy Tech Community
Adjunct Faculty, Sociology, Indiana University Purdue University at
Piano/Clarinet Teacher, Stafford Music Academy, Bloomington, IN


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