[Air-L] CfP 4S/EASST 2012, open panel "Childhood, Values and Digitisation"

Sprenkels, IECM (Isolde) isolde.sprenkels at zuyd.nl
Wed Feb 8 01:28:35 PST 2012

Apologies for cross posting


Call for papers

Open panel: Childhood, Values and Digitisation

Organised for the 4S/EASST Meeting, to be held at the Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark, October 17-20, 2012.



Within the context of a digitising society, numerous domains of children's lives are inundated with digital technologies, connecting children to systems in various ways. These include, amongst others, identity management systems developed by governments and used by (health) care professionals to predict children at 'risk', social media environments developed by corporations to facilitate 'profitable' relationships with children, and electronic learning environments developed for educational settings to enhance learning and communication processes. 


There are particular values in play within the context of digital technologies and childhood that can be distinguished. On one hand, there are concerns for and about the vulnerability and innocence of children, with particular attention paid to protecting and caring for children. On the other hand, childhood is also connected to increasing the participatory potential or agency of children, in which they are considered as autonomous social actors, as consumers, with digital skills, whose competencies are in formation. 


Increasingly, the tensions between these two sets of values focused on childhood, roughly protection/care on the one side and autonomy on the other, are not merely demarcated and illustrated by the use of different digital technologies omnipresent in children's lives. Instead, as social and constructivist studies of science and technology suggest, these values are being configured and reconfigured within and by these socio-technical systems. Values can be 'displaced' as the result of different conflicts, as can the initial intentions and interests of and for these values based on their translation into different systems. 


For this panel, we invite papers that explore issues connected to childhood, values, and digitisation based on empirical work in these areas.



Please submit your abstract electronically via

http://convention3.allacademic.com/one/ssss/4s12/index.php <http://convention3.allacademic.com/one/ssss/4s12/index.php> 

Make sure to suggest that your paper will fit into open panel 43, "Childhood, Values and Digitisation". 

The deadline for abstract submission is 18 March 2012. 

You can find more details about the conference on 

http://www.4sonline.org/meeting <http://www.4sonline.org/meeting>  


For further information and details on this panel, feel free to contact the organizers:

Irma van der Ploeg, Zuyd University (irma.vanderploeg at zuyd.nl <mailto:irma.vanderploeg at zuyd.nl> )

Isolde Sprenkels, Zuyd University (isolde.sprenkels at zuyd.nl <mailto:isolde.sprenkels at zuyd.nl> ) 

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