[Air-L] [Fwd: Job Advertisement: Professor or Associate Professor, Global Communication and Media at Central European University]

Dan L. Burk dburk at uci.edu
Thu Feb 16 07:34:14 PST 2012

Of possible interest. DLB


*Employment opportunity*
*Professor or Associate Professor, Global Communication and Media*
*School of Public Policy and International Affairs*
*Central European University*
*Budapest, Hungary*

*Application deadline:*
Review of applications will begin on March 15,  2012 and continue until
the position is filled.

The recently-launched School of Public Policy and International Affairs

(SPPIA) at Central European University invites applications for a
Professor or an Associate Professor to build and lead a specialization

in Global Communication and Media within its two-year flagship Master
program, to be launched in Fall 2013. The position requires
international recognition in scholarship; evidence of work that bridges

theory and practice; and a Ph.D. in communication, media studies,
political science, sociology, policy studies, law, or a related field.
The dramatic shifts in geopolitical power, facilitated by changing
technologies, have engendered new interdependences of electronic media,

transitions in the information society, and continuing convergence
across information, communication and technology sectors. Preparing
future leaders from civil society, government, and business requires a

new pedagogical approach, instilling in SPPIA graduates the ability to

navigate multiple disciplinary, technological and geographical
With this position, SPPIA is looking for a remarkable individual who
bring together global perspectives on the impact of new technologies,
media institutions and governance questions, as well as the changing
nature of transnational communication and information flows in open

The ideal candidate will:

    * exhibit excellence and passion for teaching at the graduate
    * show evidence of an active research portfolio that has earned
      international recognition;
    * be a dynamic leader who can strengthen the intellectual and
      professional development of media and communication studies at
      and develop a specialization in the field within SPPIA’s
      Master program, to be launched in Fall 2013;
    * demonstrate a commitment to research and scholarship
      to the development and sustainability of open societies;
    * be able to contribute with distinction to one or more of the
      following curricular areas: Technology and Society;
      Communication and Global Media; Social and Digital Media;
      Fundamental Communication Rights; Information and Knowledge
      Economies; Internet Governance; Civic Media; Media, Information
      and Communication Policy; Comparative Media Institutions; or
      Development, among others; and
    * have a significant track record of fundraising.

*Duties and responsibilities*
Develop and lead a new specialization in Global Communication and Media

within SPPIA’s two-year
flagship Master program; teach graduate courses; supervise master and
doctoral students; develop
innovative educational programs that emphasize bridging theory and
practice; engage with scholars and
practitioners; and serve as Academic Director of the Center for Media
and Communication Studies.
The successful candidate will be expected to maintain an active
agenda and regularly publish
in both academic and other venues.

An internationally competitive salary is offered commensurate with

*How to Apply*
Submit applications electronically to advert at ceu.hu
<mailto:advert at ceu.hu> including job code 2012/008 in the subject
Please include: (1) cover letter with qualifications and brief
of purpose about the future
development of a specialization in the field of media and communication

within SPPIA’s flagship
Master program, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) sample scholarship, and (4)
names and contact information
for at least three references. Review of applications will begin on
March 15, 2012 and continue until
the position is filled. The position is available starting August 1,
2012. For informal inquiries, contact
SPPIA Dean Wolfgang Reinicke at sppia at ceu.hu <mailto:sppia at ceu.hu>.

CEU is an equal opportunity employer.

*About the School for Public Policy and International Affairs*

The School of Public Policy and International Affairs at CEU is the
first of its kind in Central Europe – and one of the very few in
Launched in the midst of multi-level policy crises, we seek to uncover

opportunities for policy innovation for the greater good, working with

students, faculty, researchers and practitioners unafraid to challenge

prevalent assumptions in the world of public policy and brave enough to

propose new solutions. While maintaining a necessary dose of humility
a climate of unparalleled complexity, we aim to equip such individuals

with the tools to construct a community of “purpose beyond power.”

To fulfill this promise and to educate the kind of leaders our world
needs, SPPIA will break out of disciplinary silos and create an
educational experience that involves not only the acquisition of skills

and knowledge but also the cultivation of a mindset that emphasizes
entrepreneurship, innovation, cultural awareness and a commitment to
public good.

Commencing in September 2013, SPPIA’s two-year professional Master
degree program will attract exceptional students from across the globe

who seek a transformational experience to prepare them for a career as

leaders and change-makers in the public, civil society, and private
sectors. Building on Central European University’s rich traditions of

promoting diversity and open societies, the SPPIA will cultivate a
rigorous interdisciplinary environment, a dynamic laboratory of ideas
whose product will be continually tested and adjusted against available

evidence from the world of practice.

*About the Center for Media and Communication Studies (CMCS)*

The CMCS is the research center of CEU dedicated to advancing media and

communication scholarship and policy and the democratic potential of
media. The Center produces scholarly and practice-oriented research
addressing academic, policy and civil society needs. CMCS research and

activities include media and communication policy, social media and
expression, civil society and participatory media, fundamental
communication and informational rights, and the complexities of media
and communication in transition. The Center was initiated in 2004
through the joint efforts of the CEU and the Annenberg School for
Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. The Center serves as a

focal point for an international network of acclaimed scholars and
academic institutions; offers innovative courses across several CEU
departments; provides trainings and consultancies; and organizes
scholarly exchanges through workshops, lectures and conferences on
current developments in the field.

*About Central European University*

Central European University (CEU) is a research-intensive university
specializing in graduate education in the social sciences, humanities,

law and business. It is located in Budapest, and accredited in the
United States and Hungary. The language of instruction is English.
mission is to promote academic excellence, state-of-the-art research,
and civic engagement, in order to contribute to the development of open

societies in Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and
other countries throughout the world. CEU offers both master and
doctoral programs, and enrolls more than 1500 students from over 100
nations. The teaching staff consists of more than 140 resident faculty

members from over 40 countries, and a large number of prominent
scholars from around the world.

*Central European University
**www.ceu.hu* <http://www.ceu.hu/>

Dr. Kristina Irion
Assistant Professor
Department of Public Policy
Central European University
H-1051 Budapest, Nador u. 9.
Email to irionk at ceu.hu
Dial +36 (1) 3273000, ext. 2283

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